Alright then im a magikarp!
But nothing happened.....
(09-24-2016, 07:51 PM)Laz0r C0mf0rt Wrote: [ -> ]Alright then im a magikarp!
(Why the hell do you actually want to be a magikarp? No harm meant, it's just ... an interesting choice out of 600+ existing Pokemon)
I choose to be Beliaddon!
It awaits order from its master, but while it does that, it decides to set the local park on fire for the lulz. *Fwoosh* *skreeeeeeeeeee*
(09-24-2016, 08:58 PM)Lord Windos Wrote: [ -> ]I choose to be Beliaddon!
It awaits order from its master, but while it does that, it decides to set the local park on fire for the lulz. *Fwoosh* *skreeeeeeeeeee*
Some random guy who was hanging out there: It's him again with his demonic Pokemon! RUN!
Another one: Nooooo, my Owteeeen, it's still in the fire!
*panik starts to strike*
Me, a wild Chimical, who was hinding in the park, watches from a safe spot and waits calmly what happens next.*takes a look at that magikarp that's still using splash like nothing ever happened* (。ŏ_ŏ)?!
Me when i pass on the city on fire, taking a brief look under me, and continue like nothing ever happened.
I guess I'll be a Haunter so I can annoy everyone and then chill in the attic.
Beliaddon notices Haunter, and invites them over to the bonfire. After all, company make a warm blaze even better! *skkkeeeeeeeee*
Beliaddon also detect the presence of another fire type, and start to search for it. *Skkkeee?* *skkkkkeeeeeeee....* *stomp stomp*
( Windos I LOLed because of your post.)
*Chimical stays still in its hiding place and watches Belladion without making a noise, as well as without fear. It is capable of attacking if needed.*
Beliaddon shuffle around, still looking for the fire pokemon, when It discovers a Magikarp floundering around. *skkeeee?*
Confused, but not going to let a free meal get away, it quickly blast the poor pokemon with a Flamethrower, somehow cooking it to perfection. *fooooosh* *sizzle* *skrreeeee

With the scent of delicious grilled Magikarp in the air, in tucks in for its meal. *muuuunch muuuunch*
( Windos I almost died from laughing.)
Chimi realizes the smell of grilled fish in the air, and since it hasn't eaten anything today than a few berries that a random trainer planted, it jumps out of it's hiding spot and firmly sinks its teets in one of Magikarp's fins.