(10-22-2016, 07:29 PM)Pokemonerd25 Wrote: [ -> ]Fafurr bit down harder, toxic acid staring to froth from his mouth. Suddenly he let go and gave a soft touch to the poison on Baariette with a Fire Fang. The poison started burning.
He begin to feel the burn of that double attacks. Fire Fang and Flametower. They fall in the trap. M-Baariette grab the two, and hug then. Then he jump and uses Seismic Toss, literally make both Duplicat and Fafurr dig in the ground.
Bari bari (You two want fire? FINE!)
Then Baariette uses Fire Blast and Shadow Ball, making the Ball burn and hiting the two, making a great damage.
(i smack it back at him before it could hit me with my large claw filled hand) while duplicat says(you must have had to have a trainer, to learn Fire Blast :3)
(i am able to do this because i am a fire dragon type and the ghost doesnt mean anything now that it is solid due to the fire typing)
Quickly Fafurr turns around and uses Avalanche on Baariette, doing big damage due to just having been hit by Baariette's attack.
(the avalanche partially hits the returning flaming ball of ghostly energy, turning it back into a shadow ball again)
(10-22-2016, 07:38 PM)Laz0r C0mf0rt Wrote: [ -> ](i smack it back at him before it could hit me with my large claw filled hand)
(i am able to do this because i am a fire dragon type and the ghost doesnt mean anything now that it is solid due to the fire typing)
(10-22-2016, 07:41 PM)Pokemonerd25 Wrote: [ -> ]Quickly Fafurr turns around and uses Avalanche on Baariette, doing big damage due to just having been hit by Baariette's attack.
Received that double attack, Baariette begins to take serious that two. He uses Hyper Beam in Duplicat/Beliadon, causing to make him faint.
Bari bari bari (Prepared yourself Farfurr. This will be the final attack. Be strong to survive this!)
Then he charges Giga Impact, causing a serious damage in Fafurr. That damage was so strong, that broke one of the horns, and make Fafurr hit a mount of rocks. Baariette was worried about he little friend and regret to do that. He deactived the Mega Evolution and hurry to take out the rocks from Fafurr.
Bari! Bari bari! (Fafurr! Fafurr answer me! Sorry i carried away by the moment!)
"Faf... (It's fine...)" Fafurr mumbles before using rest to go to sleep and fix the damages.
(Well good night. I need sleep.)
(that was just an trick of the light, since your hyper beam collided with the shadow ball,says duplicat. i didnt faint at all) (duplicat turns back into a duplicat and spits at fafurr.)(before spitting turning his spit into the liquid of a full restore)(fafurr is completely covered in saliva)
(10-22-2016, 07:53 PM)Pokemonerd25 Wrote: [ -> ]"Faf... (It's fine...)" Fafurr mumbles before using rest to go to sleep and fix the damages.
(Well good night. I need sleep.)
Baariette then take Fafurr in the arms let him sleep and let him sleep.
(the "full restore" liquid also acts upon the baariettes infected 3rd degree burn on his arm and fist healing him)(the duplicat also takes a nap resting on top of the baariettes head)
(10-22-2016, 08:00 PM)Laz0r C0mf0rt Wrote: [ -> ](the "full restore" liquid also acts upon the baariettes infected 3rd degree burn on his arm and fist healing him)(the duplicat also takes a nap resting on top of the baariettes head)
Baariette sight and then pet the head of the little duplicat.
Bari bari (Thanks little bud)
And then fall sleep with Duplicat in his head.