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(11-04-2016, 06:43 PM)Pokemonerd25 Wrote: [ -> ]"Faf fafaf fafur. Fafaf fur, furaf afur faf fafur.  (I've heard it said that life is a terminal illness. All life ends sooner or later, but sometimes someones life ends a lot sooner than it should.)" His tail smashed another boulder.

Baariette then pets the head of Fafurr.

Bari bari (You are more wise than you look Fafurr. You shall make a powerful and wise Faffinter)
Fafurr smiles. "Faf. Faf fafur furaf, fafaf fur. (Thanks. One does naturally get wiser from aging, and even more so from travelling.)" He moves on to the next rock.
I'm an unymph.

my trainer threw me into wonder trade because i have shield dust and not compound eyes. Also, i don't have 31 ivs in my attack stat. I miss my harptera mom and hagoop dad.
But on that rock there was an Unymph, looking at Fafurr. Fafurr quickly stopped his Iron tail. "Faf, fafaf fur? Fafur faf! (Hey, what are you doing here? I almost smashed you!)"
My new trainer also doesn't like me, his 6iv gligar often looks down on me, saying that i was a useless 4iv bug. But I'm fine because of my jolly nature, and try to brush it off. My trainer says that he is going to get rid of me after he wins a masterball at the lottery. I don't mind, i don't like jim either. But i hope that i will be able to take care of myself when im in the wild alone. i am only level 1 after all, and my trainer refuses to train me.

hi fafurr, i haven't eaten in days because i can't kill any of my foes :c i kept fainting. i think im gonna die...
"Fafur, fafaf fur. Faf afur. (Oh Mutios, you're just a child. I'll get you some food.)" Fafurr said, picking the Unymph up on his back and carrying it over to their camp.
and the unymph was in tears, before fainting on fafurr's back.
Baariette sees Fafurr carried a Unymph and bring some food.

Bari bari (By Mutios, what happened to you little one?)
unymph, woke upto the sweet scent of delicious meat. It quickly gobbled up what it's tiny mouth can handle. It's tiny body blew up like a balloon from eating almost it's own body weight. (i have never tasted such tasty things in my life, what is this?)

i was abandoned by the trainer who hatched me, good sir.
"Faf fafaf fur. Fafur faf? (I think it's Chyinmunk or something. You feel better now?)"