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Roleplaying as Pokemon - Printable Version

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RE: Roleplaying as Pokemon - Lord Windos - 10-07-2016

(10-07-2016, 03:24 PM)Starwolf39YT Wrote: Baariette was wandering around thru forest until beliaddon jumped him.
Baa Baari! (You again!)
Beliaddon threw a mighty punch at Baariette but missed and hit the tree.
Yatagaryu woke up just to hear that sound.
Yata....(Oh... dear..)
Yatagaryu flew to the forest.
(Bunnying characters is generally considered poor sport. Might be a better Idea to have something that is not Beliaddon pounch on Baariette, if you want a random fight scene. Or not, since I might get ideas like Nuclear Beliaddon again. That was fun~ I would have run with that plotline, if Fafur did not ask me politely for that event to be not!)

RE: Roleplaying as Pokemon - Pokemonerd25 - 10-07-2016

(Just didn't feel like a good idea to kill off the human characters and make the rest Corrupted)

RE: Roleplaying as Pokemon - Lord Windos - 10-07-2016

(10-07-2016, 04:13 PM)Pokemonerd25 Wrote: (Just didn't feel like a good idea to kill off the human characters and make the rest Corrupted)

(Nope, not a good idea at all, but a had a couple work arounds for that situation. Ever heard of Fallout series? Had a few ideas from their to implement, if things went that route.)

RE: Roleplaying as Pokemon - Spiritmon - 10-07-2016

(And tell others what they do, depended in the circunstancies its not cool)

(10-07-2016, 04:18 PM)Lord Windos Wrote:
(10-07-2016, 04:13 PM)Pokemonerd25 Wrote: (Just didn't feel like a good idea to kill off the human characters and make the rest Corrupted)

(Nope, not a good idea at all, but a had a couple work arounds for that situation. Ever heard of Fallout series? Had a few ideas from their to implement, if things went that route.)

(Its not that series of games about a apocalipytic world with mutants and others bizzare things? And was make by bethesda, who make too the game series The Elders Scrolls? I play a lot of Skyrim, about more then 100 hours by the way. What you have in mind Overlord Windonws?) (And Microsoft)

RE: Roleplaying as Pokemon - PhantomUnderYourDesk - 10-09-2016

(Oh, still is still going? Well then....)

Chimi didn't react at first... a few secound later then, it opens its eyes and has a stretch like cats have it after a good sleep. With a still tired expression in its face, it looks at Beliaddon - "Chiiiiiiii...?" (Translation: Uh, good morning.... did I miss anything important?" - followed by a yawn.

RE: Roleplaying as Pokemon - Lord Windos - 10-11-2016

Shaking its head, it bends down to pet the Chimical. While up until now it has resisted the urge, it just looked so cute with its sleepy expression! *Skeee*
(Translation: No, nothing happen, that good news. Bad news is we have to get moving soon, or Rangers find us. I don't want to disappoint Master by hurting them, but I will if have to.)

Just as it was about to stop its petting pursuit, it spotted the weird mutli colored orb that was lying near Chimical. Curious, it bent over and picked it up, and examined it with its discerning, demonic eyes. *Skeeee*
(Translation: Huh, this looks like Baariaette's Mega Stone. I though I knocked it into the woods. Maybe used Thief on accident?)

Shrugging its shoulder, it decide to keep up with the odd little stone. Call it compensation for the Baariette's transgretions, hmpt!
*Skeee* (Translation: If want to sleep more, I can carry you again. Or you can walk with to Master's hideout.)

It looked down at Chimical (Such a good friend!), and awaited its answer.

RE: Roleplaying as Pokemon - Pokemonerd25 - 10-11-2016

Fafurr woke up to find Baariette gone. "Faf. Faf afur... (Where did he go? Maybe that Yatagaryu knows...)" He went over to the window and asked the Yatagaryu "Faf! Fafur? (Hey! Did you see Baariette?)". "Yata! Gar ata! (He went to that forest you burnt down! Let me sleep!)" He answered. Fafurr sighed and started walking.

RE: Roleplaying as Pokemon - Spiritmon - 10-11-2016

Baariette was trying to find that dammn mega stone. He take wood and other materials but no matter how much he try, he couldnt find it.

Bari bari bari! (Argh! Where is it? I already search almost all forest and nothing!)

Then he sees the group of Rangers. He hide himself and observe the move. He think if he follow them, he will eventually find Beliadon, and perhaps find the Mega.

Bari bari (Bether then nothing)

And he follow the Rangers in the Shadows.

(Sorry about the long time with no posts. I was busy)

RE: Roleplaying as Pokemon - PhantomUnderYourDesk - 10-15-2016

"Chiiiiii! ♡" (Translation: "What!!! I've been pet!!!") It's been a while since the last time it has been pet... True, this Chimi was a wild one, but that didn't mean it wasn't used to humans or didn't appreciate some hands calmly stroking through its reddish fur. (Beware of the white spot on its back though, touching it may result in a venomous bite.) Beliaddons han... claws may be huge in comparison, but nevertheless they were incredibly careful. Or was it just imaginary? Still, this Beliaddon knew how to care for a... did it honestly call it "friend"? Hell's master was just too nice...

Chimi looked at Beliaddon with a thankful smile, before it began licking its paw. It got a bit dusty from sleeping on the ground of a cave... man, it'll have to take some time later to clean the rest of its fur, too.

After that little cleaning session it faced Hell's master with a serious and... well, still slightly puzzled expression. After all what happened so far, noone could probably hold it against Chimi. ".....chi. Chiiiiii....?" (Translation: "No, it's fine... I can walk myself so far. But... why does Hell's master dislike the Rangers?") Better not saying that Chimi itself actually held nothing against those folks, and felt sorry for all the trouble caused ... in fact, it experienced that they could be quite nice and helpful. At least theone who seemed to be their leader.

As Chimi realized that strangely colured orb Beliaddon examinated and then put away though, it almost immediately got back its usual playful expression and raised its freshly cleaned paw in that orb's direction. Even the snake on its tail was interested now and watched the situation. "CHIIII! C: " (Translation: "What's that wildly coloured thing you have there?")

RE: Roleplaying as Pokemon - Lord Windos - 10-15-2016

A faint look of surprise flash across it face as it heard Chimical address them. Hell's Master? Its been untold ages since their race has first breached the border that divided the world from the Infernal Planes.

They thought that by now most would have forgotten their heritage, but it seems that some Fire types still honor the demonic flames from beyond. A strange look entered Beliel's eye, as if it was trying to recount something.
*Skee. Skee. Skee...*
(Translation: Hmm, it has been so long since I have heard that title.... Little one, you need not address me so formally; I am nothing but a humble servant to my Master. The time for such posterity has passed, but, still, it warm my heart to see that not have forgotten our Ancestors...)

The oddity faded from its eyes, and it blinked, then shook its heard. It should be more careful, lest it started showing more of its heritage. Still, a few peaks from time to time should not be overly worrisome, especially around its friend and Master. They would understand, hopefuly. It then remembered what else Chimical said, and their mood immediately soured, its face scrunched up in clear distate. *Skeeeee. Skeeeeeeeeeeee. Skeeee. Skeeeeeee!* (Translation: Rangers. Why I hate Rangers? They seem good, but disrupt natural order to enforce own way. Perversion, suppression of way things are, for what think is 'better'. Useful, helpful: yes. Repressive and controlling: yes. Harmful and judgemental? Yes!)

It look at its claw, and scrunched it up into a close approximation of a balled up fist. A fell mood clouded its mind, as it remember what they did. *Skeee. Skeee. Skeee.* (Translation: They not trainers. Do not form bonds and friendship naturally. Use device to control us, brainwash with their own desires. Force Pokémon to be want they are not, to do what they want instead. Sometimes they don't ever stop controlling. Remember that ranger drove kind deep into mountain, and trapped them their. Got away before they could get me.)

It turned its head to look at he sun, unblinking, as it recalled its next memory. *Skeee. Skeee.* (Translation: Hard life, running hiding from rangers. Little food, no help from other. Others scared of me, believed rangers lies. Tried to trick me, lure me to them. Never worked, punished them instead. Made for bitter meals. Then, Master found me. Took me in, care for me, taught me their ways. Taught me how world supposed to be, and made me strong, silent, and intelligent. Now I fear nothing, and can work to make world right. For good, for master.)

It scowel deepened, as it snarled it anger and frustration. Apparently, what it remembered next was starting to seriously make them flaming angry. Already, one could smell the char that was emenating from its body, as if it was prepared to burst into a inferno at any time. Oh dear. *Skeeee! Skeeee! Skeeeeeeeeeeeee! Skeeeee!* (Translation: Bring fire to world, burning life and death, turn to ash! Shape earth to different thing. Fix broken cycle, cleanse corruption made by others. Ranger do not like that, try to stop Master from duty to better world! Their fire good, but Rangers fools! They once hurt Master, even. Do not remember much, only blood and screams. Master made me promise not to do that, unless necessary. To kind, in cruel world. So I serve Master, protect them, do what they can not, and fight enemies. Rangers enemy. Rangers must stop!)

Frustrated vented, it started to cool down, when it suddenly startled. A look of concern appeared on its visage, as it crooned to Chimical, attempting to allay any fear it might have invoked. It bent down, and, hesitantly, it carefully began petting it once more. It crooned soothingly, as it worried about its friend. *Skeee..... Skeeee. Skeeeeee?* (Translation: I sorry about outburst. Rangers make me mad. Unfair that Master and I can not bring fire to world, to make better.... Get hostile when Rangers brought up. Sorry... Please, still friends?)

It took out the Mega Baariettanite it somehow acquired in its confrontation with the stupid sheep (Humpt!), and let Chimical look at it. It was, admitly, a very ridiculous and wild looking thing, but make no mistake, it is very powerful indeed. *Skeeee. Skeeee. Skeee!* (Translation: This Baariette's Mega Stone. Made it transform into wanabee demon. Since in possession, it mine now. Price for challenging me, humpt! You can have it if you like. No need for it.)

It placed the stone in front of it, and let it do as it pleased, as it continued to worry over the poor little thing.