09-30-2016, 05:23 PM
They mentioned that they're a charred corpse lying next to their dead harptera. Either revive, since this is a new arc, or create a new character.
Roleplaying as Pokemon
09-30-2016, 05:23 PM
They mentioned that they're a charred corpse lying next to their dead harptera. Either revive, since this is a new arc, or create a new character.
09-30-2016, 05:26 PM
(With Kellyn) If this wasn't the biggest disaster since the Nuclear crisis, he doesn't know what it is. He'd rather not know, in any case, but as his duty as Ranger Chief, its his job to sort these kind of messes out. Given all the ash and soot, acres of ravaged forest, a dead trainer and his Pokémon, its a big mess indeed. God dammit. One of his subordinates, the lanky young man with black hair, walked up to him. He was pale faced, perhaps from smoke inhalation, or more likely, from fright, and he hesitated, fidgeting. The ranger, Carl, Arceas bless him, was green, and never had to experience a disaster of this scale before. Originally, he was just going take him on his and Rebecca's patrol, and helped him get familer with the landscape and its inhabitants. Simple stuff, help him build experience, and get him more comfortable out in the field. Then they got a distress signal from a trainer, sighting a giant firey monster going on a rampage in the woods, setting everything ablaze, and quickly departed to the area. When they arrived on scene, they have seen the massive forest fire going on, and quickly radioed HQ for additional support. They then went to the trainer's last coordinates, only to see the burnt corpse of them and their Harptera. He cursed under his breath, too faint for Carl to hear him, as he though of what did it. A massive Beliaddon, red as blood and bold as they can be, was in the clearing it set ablaze, clutching a Chimical it seemed to hold hostage as it prepare to devour a burnt up Queztcotal. He knew instanty who was responsible for this unnatural disaster. That Arceas damn Pyre Bug, and his loyal Beliaddon, Belial. That sonnaofbitch was at it again, and they seemed intent on starting their latest arson streak with a bang. Fuck them and their twisted beliefs on fire! They tried to calm it down and lead it to them, but it used Smokescreen to cover its get away. Damn Pyre Bug for teaching his Pokémon to be autonomous! They not only had to deal with the biggest forest fire in recent history, but also with an eccoterrorist and his servent. Thank Arceas for that Gyarados from earlier for putting out the largest portion of the fire for them, as they were able to quickly get the local Foefrogs to put the rest of it out. The rest went by quickly, as a Fafurr attracted our attention, and we found a Baairette crushed under a tree. It passed out shortly after bleeting out something, and we had to capture it for later treatment at the nearest Pokecenter. Its injuries were just too severe to be treat out on field, so they had no choice. He had a sneaking suspicion who ravaged it in the first place... It was nowhere to found, however. Got away again, it seems. He signed, and started to rubbed his face, only to quickly stopped once he reliezed he was smear ash on it. Belgh. He has enough on his plate to deal with, what with re-enter service on his wife's pleas, and trying to rebuild his almost non-existant relationship with their son. Now this? He thought about all this, while gazing around the ruined land that surrounded him. It definitely looked like the sight of a fierce battle, that was for sure, and that only reinforced his suspicion. Pyre Buf!.... He then turned his eys upon Carl, and quietly cough into his hand. They immediantly jumped, making him pity the poor boy even more. 'He shouldn't have to deal with this, not yet at any rate. He handle himself surprisely well, but he still too fresh for something like this,' Kellyn though, as he waited for their report on the situation. Stammered out, but brief, it laid out a grimm picture. A couple hundred acres burnt to the ground, with the surround area around it suffering from heavy fire damage. An estimate causality rate of about 470, with the vast majority being native pokemon, but 6 or 7 being trainer caught up to quickly in the blaze. That brought up the body count to 8 trainer, a horrible amount indeed. They would have to get forensics to uncover who they are, for they were all so badly burn that they had no identifying features, or even Identification. He sighed again, a cupped his face with his hand, headless of the ash this time. 'So many dead, this time, just like all the other times they have striked. That is it...!' he thought, and he told Carl to retrieve Rebecca from her search. Once he left, he briefly radioed back to HQ, telling them: "This is Kellyn, reporting on the status of the forest fire. Things are looking worse than we though. We need rescue working to help us gather up all the injuried pokemon, and morticians for the dead. 7 humans are confirmed dead, with the status of one pending, for the fire damage to them is to severe to tell if they are human or not. Ready the research and Forensic scientists, so that we can break the new to their families as quickly as possible. They must be terrified, not knowing what was going on..." he grimaced at the thought of the tragedy they are going to endure, then continued. "I believe all this to be the work of Pyre Bug and his Beliaddon," he heard a brief burst of panic, before they were quieted down by his senior staff, " I saw their Beliaddon, before it blinded us and escape. Based on its tracks, I believe its heading into Mt. Actan at the moment, and I have reason to suspect that is where they are currently base of operation. I will pursue with Rebecca, and leave Carl here to help organize the situation,' he grimaced again when he heard the complaints of his staff, and quickly retorted, "Yes, I know he's still young, but he handled himself extremely well, despite the situation, showing great courage and conviction in the line of duty. See that he gets a commendation for his effort, and put him under review for advancement, pending a Psycological evalution." He paused for a minute, worried and enraged at the current crises. He then took a deep breath, let it out slowly, then continued. "Me and Rebecca will begin pursuit of the suspect, and will contanct you on the hour, every hour, until we either find them or report otherwise. If we do not report at the regular hour, send backup immediantly to our last known coordinates. You guys know what to do. This is Kellyn, signing out," he said, switching to the radio frequency, and told them of the plan of action. They had a job to do, and by Arceas, they will get it done! Pyre Bug will not escape, not this time! -END OF INTERLUDE-
Like the wind, I come and go as I please... but I am always there to provide a comforting breeze.
Member of Team PUNishment. Pun-pare for Struggle, make it Double Team! ![]() ![]() Online ID: 000650
09-30-2016, 05:26 PM
We should named that Arc. To not make confuse future views.
First Arc: The Demon Arc. (The first apear of Beliadon and vs fight against Baariette) ??? Arc: To be make.
Kogeki currently ability to active in battles: Anticipation.
09-30-2016, 05:26 PM
I think I'll decide to create a new chara, but i'll wait for it. I don't want to introduce himself directly, at the beginning of the new arc.
09-30-2016, 05:32 PM
Fafurr is waiting outside the pokémon center for Baariette to wake up
09-30-2016, 05:34 PM
Well, was that not exciting? I'm fine for another round of roleplay, but who is going to be the rangers in the situation? I could try to do Kellyn and Beliaddon at the same time, but I'd rather focus on the dynamic between Beliel and Chimical. That has potential to go anywhere, at this point.
Like the wind, I come and go as I please... but I am always there to provide a comforting breeze.
Member of Team PUNishment. Pun-pare for Struggle, make it Double Team! ![]() ![]() Online ID: 000650
09-30-2016, 05:36 PM
I'd prefer to concentrate on Fafurr. I'm not a good writer, and it's hard enough to try and make Fafurr a personality without doing another character at the same time.
09-30-2016, 05:37 PM
You've done a great job Lord Windos, this interlude is really exciting ! If you want i can try to do Kellyn, but he's an important character, and my english skills are not really high-leveled :r
09-30-2016, 05:38 PM
(09-30-2016, 05:34 PM)Lord Windos Wrote: Well, was that not exciting? I'm fine for another round of roleplay, but who is going to be the rangers in the situation? I could try to do Kellyn and Beliaddon at the same time, but I'd rather focus on the dynamic between Beliel and Chimical. That has potential to go anywhere, at this point. How about this. Since my Baariette unconscious, i will have the part of Rangers. Its fine to you?
Kogeki currently ability to active in battles: Anticipation.
09-30-2016, 05:39 PM
(This post was last modified: 09-30-2016, 05:39 PM by Pokemonerd25.)
You don't really think about the consequenses of what happens in the heat of the moment, it's only afterwards you understand: My god Beliaddon made a forest fire which killed hundreds of pokémon.
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