09-25-2016, 05:34 PM
> Wild combat:
. Roll 2, damages x2 (type advantage); 132 damages dealed:
Quetzoral is fainted !
> The trainer seen a big, red pokémon that is throwing fire all around him, and who is trying to burn the forest. He call the rangers, stay just the time needed for giving the coordonates to them.
> The trainer send out his Harpetra, and use fly. But when he take off the forest, a big explosion sound occurs near him.
. Roll 2, damages x2 (type advantage); 132 damages dealed:
Quetzoral is fainted !
> The trainer seen a big, red pokémon that is throwing fire all around him, and who is trying to burn the forest. He call the rangers, stay just the time needed for giving the coordonates to them.
> The trainer send out his Harpetra, and use fly. But when he take off the forest, a big explosion sound occurs near him.