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Nintendo continues its fight against gamers

It seems like it's not yet over after the websites providing ROM Downloads have taken down, because first the Wiki of Pokemon Essentials, practically the backbone of FanGames, has been malfunctioning since yesterday before it got closed entirerly.

Now I've just picked up on Discord that all downloads of that kit have been taken down by the lawyers of Nintendo as well, as confirmed by Maruno on Twitter. It seems like they've also taken the step of protecting their profile since latest, as formerly it's been open (which is why I was able to saw the post where they confirm the assumption) while now you have to ask to see their tweets. I'm not on Twitter, but one can easily find them via Google. To pay respect, I'm not providing a link.


That's all, thanks for the attention. You can join me sobbing now.
"Anything can be art. Anything can be self-expression. Now take your weapon and run with it" [Gerard Way]

--Windos is my OTP ❤---

`❤★`°・:*:・。[Image: qt5IPWF.png]。・:*:・゚’★❤`
That's much worse news than the rest : (
Current project:
Tabletop RPG PokeRole:
"I encourage Sceptile to branch out."
(08-27-2018, 03:43 PM)Shai Wrote: If Nintendo is striking like that, it seems only logical that the geniuses in charge of these sites will somedday find a way around them... I still have hope.
Sad to see Nintendo taking a leaf out of the EA book though Sad

I hope so, but it can be discouraging for those developers.
Current project:
Tabletop RPG PokeRole:
"I encourage Sceptile to branch out."
....That does it. I've had it with Nintendo's anti fangame/fandom and ROM attitude. I'm going to boycott them and their products for now on, and only buy any games or platforms made by them used, so that the company gets NONE of my money. Pissing all over archiving of old games that won't ever be sold again is one thing, as they could always put in the damn effort to quickly port over their own library and sell them for a reasonable price, but its another thing entirely to prey on fangames that don't negatively impact your bottom line in any significant way, and may in fact BENEFIT it. I sure as heck only bought Moon/Ultra Sun because Uranium revived my interested after X and Y killed it, so how many more people out their will never get into Pokemon games without a convenient and free entry point that encourages them to buy main stream games? I digress, but my point stands: Nintendo is acting in such a blatantly contemputous manner their fan communities that I can and will no longer support them. They have a right to draconianally enforce and guard their copyrighted IPs, but I have the right to not do business with them EVER.
Like the wind, I come and go as I please... but I am always there to provide a comforting breeze.

Member of Team PUNishment. Pun-pare for Struggle, make it Double Team!

Heart Phantom is my OTP~ Heart

Online ID: 000650
@Lord Windos: *is looking rather defeated, downcasted and just quietly grim as walking up to you and weakly taking your hand, but once having gotten a hold on it - presses it with suprising form grip* I'll join you in that boykott from now on, my dear. It's just too much now, the laywers of Nintendo have gone too far - I don't wish to fuel a company which acted so strict.

Now though, I still like Nintendo for what they have given us, for all the hours, days and all together probably weeks I spent playing their games since being a little girl. Thank you.... But I'm sorry, you've crossed a fine line now, it's enough. I'm slightly scared what will come next...
"Anything can be art. Anything can be self-expression. Now take your weapon and run with it" [Gerard Way]

--Windos is my OTP ❤---

`❤★`°・:*:・。[Image: qt5IPWF.png]。・:*:・゚’★❤`
I blogged about this on Tumblr earlier; let me post a snippet that I think best summarizes my feelings on why this is a bad sign all around...

Quote:I’m under no assumption that Essentials has been erased from the face of the Internet; within just hours, I had several people on one of my Discord servers uploading their copies of Essentials to Google Drive to help redistribute it, while a couple other people found cached pages of the Essentials Wikia and started downloading and archiving them.  So it’s not dead by any means, just pushed yet further underground.

But the loss of resources like ROMs and Pokemon Essentials (or if not a total loss, just being made harder to find) do more than cut off fangames; indie video game development will no doubt start to suffer due to this.  Consider how invaluable fangame creation is toward helping the next generation of software engineers learn how to design and program their own games.  The love of a favorite video game has inspired so many young people to pursue careers in coding and programming.  If we deny today’s fangame developers the tools to make their dreams reality – even if they’re using someone else’s intellectual property to do it – we could very well be snuffing out the inspiration and drive that would have been responsible for tomorrow’s gaming sensation.
(08-27-2018, 01:29 PM)PhantomUnderYourDesk Wrote: ++Newsflash!++

It seems like it's not yet over after the websites providing ROM Downloads have taken down, because first the Wiki of Pokemon Essentials, practically the backbone of FanGames, has been malfunctioning since yesterday before it got closed entirerly.

Now I've just picked up on Discord that all downloads of that kit have been taken down by the lawyers of Nintendo as well, as confirmed by Maruno on Twitter. It seems like they've also taken the step of protecting their profile since latest, as formerly it's been open (which is why I was able to saw the post where they confirm the assumption) while now you have to ask to see their tweets. I'm not on Twitter, but one can easily find them via Google. To pay respect, I'm not providing a link.


That's all, thanks for the attention. You can join me sobbing now.

If I'm correct that kit should fall under Fair use especially if it was reverse engineered (much like Connectix did with the ps1 bios)
[Image: 7V2sBYC.png]
No, it does not fall under fair use. Pokemon Essentials uses Nintendo IP and they have every legal right to demand it be taken down. Fair use only applies to parody and very small selections of an IP for criticism. Even fanfiction is not legally protected.

This is, however, a big change in the culture of the Pokemon fanbase.
Current project:
Tabletop RPG PokeRole:
"I encourage Sceptile to branch out."
(08-28-2018, 11:19 AM)Iron Wrote: This is, however, a big change in the culture of the Pokemon fanbase.

It certainly is, and I'm a little worried what this will mean for the ongoing Fanprojects and their dedicated teams. While I don't believe that they will just stop what they're doing and throw away all the work and love they've put and are putting into their Games, I'm sure it'll have notable consequences when new Versions/Updates/Patches etc. are ready to be released, as hosting downloads of these will pertty much considered illegal or at least a grey area.

Feels a little like everything will be passed over to the players behind closed doors and in silence.
"Anything can be art. Anything can be self-expression. Now take your weapon and run with it" [Gerard Way]

--Windos is my OTP ❤---

`❤★`°・:*:・。[Image: qt5IPWF.png]。・:*:・゚’★❤`
(08-28-2018, 11:19 AM)Iron Wrote: No, it does not fall under fair use. Pokemon Essentials uses Nintendo IP and they have every legal right to demand it be taken down. Fair use only applies to parody and very small selections of an IP for criticism. Even fanfiction is not legally protected.

According to the link that Mika posted though, transformative works have fallen under the category of Fair Use, particularly in several U.S. Supreme Court cases:

Quote:The first factor is "the purpose and character of the use, including whether such use is of a commercial nature or is for nonprofit educational purposes." To justify the use as fair, one must demonstrate how it either advances knowledge or the progress of the arts through the addition of something new.... A key consideration in recent fair use cases is the extent to which the use is transformative. In the 1994 decision Campbell v. Acuff-Rose Music Inc,[11] the U.S. Supreme Court held that when the purpose of the use is transformative, this makes the first factor more likely to favor fair use.[12] Before the Campbell decision, federal Judge Pierre Leval argued that transformativeness is central to the fair use analysis in his 1990 article, Toward a Fair Use Standard.[9] Blanch v. Koons is another example of a fair use case that focused on transformativeness. In 2006, Jeff Koons used a photograph taken by commercial photographer Andrea Blanch in a collage painting.[13] Koons appropriated a central portion of an advertisement she had been commissioned to shoot for a magazine. Koons prevailed in part because his use was found transformative under the first fair use factor.

If there's no commercial gain, just art for the sake of art -- or education, as some could argue that Pokemon Essentials would be (archiving sprites, teaching programming skills) -- such as would be the case with fanart, fanfic, and even fangames, then by the precedent set in the Supreme Court, it would be Fair Use.

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