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Roleplaying as Pokemon
Beliaddon glancse down from its meal to see a Chimical nibbling on its Magikarp flambé. While you were casually holding it in one hand. So this was the fire type it sensed. *skkeee*

Beside the impressive display of acrobatics, the little thing looks harmless enough. Now that you think of it, it looks like its famished, what with it ribs sticking out like that. Now that won't do at all! *skeeee...*

Beliaddon gently places the fried fish down, and, using Infernal Blade, cuts it right down the middle, carefully avoiding the nomming Chimical. *Siiiiiii fooooosh* *skkkkkeeeeeee*

Patting the Chimical's head, you go search for more meals the two of you can share. It shouldn't be too hard, what with the forest on fire and all, to find a nice hot meal. *Pat Pat* *skeeeeeeeeeeee*
Like the wind, I come and go as I please... but I am always there to provide a comforting breeze.

Member of Team PUNishment. Pun-pare for Struggle, make it Double Team!

Heart Phantom is my OTP~ Heart

Online ID: 000650
> Trainer [Lv. 35 Archilles, nick: Chantilly \ Lv.33 Frynai, nick: Friture \ Lv.33 Astronite, nick: U.L.O \ Lv. 31 Harptera, nick: Biziii \ Lv. 12 Orchynx, no nick]

> The trainer is landing in a non-burning part of the forest, and starts battling against a wild Quetzoral with his Archilles.

> Wild Pokémon [Lv. 27 Quetzoral, no nick, wild]

> Archilles use flamethrower ! [Roll 3: 1 (miss), 2 (normal hit), 3 (critical hit)
While searching for more meals, it discovers an unburnt section of the wood. A little miffed that its flame didn't spread this far, it quickly rectified the situation with, what else, more fire. *Skeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!**FOOOOOOOOOOOOOSH*
Like the wind, I come and go as I please... but I am always there to provide a comforting breeze.

Member of Team PUNishment. Pun-pare for Struggle, make it Double Team!

Heart Phantom is my OTP~ Heart

Online ID: 000650
> Wild combat:
. Roll 2, damages x2 (type advantage); 132 damages dealed:
Quetzoral is fainted !

> The trainer seen a big, red pokémon that is throwing fire all around him, and who is trying to burn the forest. He call the rangers, stay just the time needed for giving the coordonates to them.

> The trainer send out his Harpetra, and use fly. But when he take off the forest, a big explosion sound occurs near him.
Beliaddon looks around, and see that the ALL the woods are now on fire. Just like they were supposed too! *skeeeeeeee!*

Glancing upwards, you see a human and its Harptera flying away from your precious bonfire *skeeeeee.....*

Upset that they didn't stick around to watch the pretty flame, it proceed to let loose a Fire Blast at them. *Skkkkeeeee!* *FWOOOSH*

Serves them right, hmpt! Beliaddon then proceed to resume their hunt for a hot meal. Should be easier now that all the woods are baking away! *skreeeee!* *stomp stomp*
Like the wind, I come and go as I please... but I am always there to provide a comforting breeze.

Member of Team PUNishment. Pun-pare for Struggle, make it Double Team!

Heart Phantom is my OTP~ Heart

Online ID: 000650
Chimi sees Belliadon walking away while still chewing on the rest of that Magikarp... it stands up and runs after him. Once it arrived by it's side, it shyly looks up to it and start to walk beside it. "Chiiiiiiiii!" (Translation: Master has risen from hell to bring bonfire to this woods! Makes me glad.)
"Anything can be art. Anything can be self-expression. Now take your weapon and run with it" [Gerard Way]

--Windos is my OTP ❤---

`❤★`°・:*:・。[Image: qt5IPWF.png]。・:*:・゚’★❤`
Beliaddon was continuing its heat for good food and fire (for you can never have enough of both!), when the little Chimical it left earlier bounds into the smoldering clearing, you where currently searching. *Skeeeee?*

Awfully good timing for the little one, for there was a Quetzoral to be had. Guess that ungrateful trainer was good for something after all, humpt! While it was not dead, per say, a quick gout of flame quickly rectified that problem. *skkeeeeee!* *Fwoosh*

The mouth watering smell of rosmary, sage, and roasted bird soon filled the clearing, stirring the appetite of any carnivore in the vicinity. Well, if they were not all panicking from the blaze, or too terrified by the demon to even be remotely hungry. *Sizzle* *Faint Screaming and Whimpering*

Not like you would have shared anyway- in fact, if anyone tried to poach your meal, they would be soon poached instead! *skkeee*

Beliaddon was about to invite Chimi over for dinner, when it heard its declaration! You were shocked, because, gasp, it called you master? And it appreciated the lovely forest fire you made this day? Oh Happy day! *Skeeeeeeee* (Translation: Oh my, oh my! You have made me so, so happy happy!! Come here~!)

You quickly swooping the Chimial into a demon hug (much better the a silly bear hug) with one arm, fawning over it. *skeeee~*
(Translation: Chimical very good, deserves hugs~!)

You decide the meal can wait, cause you have a new friend to play with! *skee!*
Like the wind, I come and go as I please... but I am always there to provide a comforting breeze.

Member of Team PUNishment. Pun-pare for Struggle, make it Double Team!

Heart Phantom is my OTP~ Heart

Online ID: 000650
Not bothered, but rather amazed by a lovely clearing being aflame, Chimi sucks in a deep breath of air full of ash – campfires yet give a nicely warmth to Chimi, but THIS. There was a time when it approached Trainers resting in these woods (or Rangers, or anyone who set up a campfire) and startled them by its rush appearance, but was allowed most of the times to rest by their campfires as long as it liked.

Also amazed that master of hell was actually quite nice to him, it appreciated hug. Even if the snake on its tail did not and tried to bite Beliaddon. ^^;

Just as the free dinner was thought to be forgotten, Chimi remembered it! Oh my, this day just got a whole lot better. But just as Chimi started to look forward to taste what a roasted forest dragon-bird tasted like, THE RANGERS THAT TRAINER CALLED WHERE APPROACHING! With Kellyn as their leader, because he decided to take a break from being all sad from the loss of his wife, drinking coffee and writing reports of missions taken today and totally not because I just enjoy his backstory. Chimi senses them and wonders what they are doing here actually since everything was fine if you asked him.
"Anything can be art. Anything can be self-expression. Now take your weapon and run with it" [Gerard Way]

--Windos is my OTP ❤---

`❤★`°・:*:・。[Image: qt5IPWF.png]。・:*:・゚’★❤`
But the fish he tasted tasted very much like wood, for he didn't realize that the Magikarp had used Substitute! When the demon-like pokemon had seized him and "killed" his substitute, he splashed into a nearby lake, too come back here after everything had died down.

Meanwhile a Gyarados Appears! Finding out that the peaceful forest was on fire, he quickly douses everything with a Hydro Pump, including the Beliaddon. he then also goes back to the ocean, glad that his work was done.
For i am a Beater Of Many, A Collector Of Most, and a Drawer of Some.

In-Game Trainer Name: Lazor

Besides the Chimical's tail nibbling on your claw (how adorable~!), you are quite enjoying the contact between you and your new found friend. Ah, the flames of friendship indeed burn bright! *skeeeeeeee!*

Beliaddon was about to set the little guys down, and together tuck into the roasted pheasant, when a bunch of human entering the ash covered clearing. Two of them were straplings, one a lankly male boy with jet black hair, and the other a curvy female, with brown hair broken up by red highlights, and they were heading up the rear. Leading them was a rather stuffy man who looked like he got on the wrong side of life, with a posture akin to having a stick up his arse. He had brown hair sticking up in all directions, and seemed to be wearing a monocle. All of them were wearing the same bright green uniform, white outlining the edges. *Skeeeee?* *Skeeeeeeeee!* *skeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.....*
Translation (Huh, who this interrupting huggy meal time? Wait, Rangers! I hate Rangers! They always put out my lovely, beautiful fires!)

Bah! You know these guys are nothing but killjoys and wet blankets (sometimes literally, if you recall correctly). Your Master isn't too fond of them, either, but they never sought to put a stop to their party pooping. If fact, they said that if you saw them, then get out of there, and head back to the hideout! *Shuffle* *Stare*

You warily watch the man come up, and just as he's about to pull out that weird mindcontrolly thing, you take a deep breath and used Smokescreen blind the lot. You reach down and pick up your dinner (not going to leave a perfectly good meal behind), then, gripping the tiny Chimical a littly tighter, take off in bounds out of the clearing. On your way out, you spray you path with a liberal amount of flame to prevent them from tailing you. That'll show them for ruining you fun! *Fooooooooooooow* *Ssssssssssssssss*
*Thud, thud, thud* *FWOOOOOOOOOSH* *Skkkeeeeee skkkeeeeee!*

Just as it was getting away, though, it gets blasted off its feet by a Hydro Pump. No one expects the Hydro Pump! *Skeeeeeee!* *Gurgle Gurgle!*

Landing on their asre, Beliaddon watches as the whole forest they worked so hard in making is undone by a wayward Gyarados! *ROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOAR*

Quickly, regaining its feet, Beliaddon was about to punish a certain wanabee dragon, when it remembered who it was running from. Soogy and furious, it reluctantly bounded away to their Master's hangout. It would not forget that Gyarados' action: oh no. It had special plans for that *Censored because its to graphic for the internet. Yeah, THAT vulgar* *Skkkeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
Like the wind, I come and go as I please... but I am always there to provide a comforting breeze.

Member of Team PUNishment. Pun-pare for Struggle, make it Double Team!

Heart Phantom is my OTP~ Heart

Online ID: 000650

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