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Roleplaying as Pokemon
Fafurr woke up to an empty street. He took the chance and slunk into the pokémon center to check on Baariette. When he got to Baariette's room he saw that Baariette was still completely out of it."Faf. (I hope he's fine.)" he said to himself before leaving the pokémon center to look around the city for some food.

By the way, where is this? I'd guess the battle between Belial and Baariette would be somewhere near Bealbeach, Baariette and Fafurr are currently in Bealbeach and Beliaddon and Chimical are somewhere around route 6 or 9. However I don't know.
(Well, since we don't really know where was happen, lets just say the battle happen someware in the Route 6, and now Fafurr and Baariette was in Bealbeach City. And Beliadon and Chimical its in Mt. Actin)

For a moment i saw a chared land. A mount of corpses across the land. And a great and evil creature, made of pure hatred eating the sun itself. It was like a dragon. Not like Beliadon but something more evil, more terrified. I tried to fight against that monsters, but i was paralyze be fear. And then the great shadow comes and try to eat me. And then....

*BAAAAAAA!!!!!!!! (NOOO!)

Baariette abruptly woke. He sees around him. He was inside a some kind of hospital. It was just a dream.

Ba...Ba Ba (Thanks to Arceus. But what the heck it was that dream? And why my body hurt so much?)

He tried to stand up, but felt a great pain. He then remember what was happens.

Ba? Ah! Ba,Ba (What? Ah, i remember)

He then stays in the counch, trying to remember how survived that tree. And them remember a little more. A group of Rangers, and a little Fafurr saves he life.

Ba. Ba, Ba, Ba (That Fafurr. He bring the Rangers to stop the fight. And even save my life)

He try to rest. When he have the chance, he will thanks that little Fafurr for saving him.
Kogeki currently ability to active in battles: Anticipation.
After Fafurr returned to the pokémon center, belly full of food, he decided to check on Baariette again. When he got to Baariette's room he saw that Baariette had woken up! He was lying on the bed, resting with his eyes open. "Faff! Fafurr! (You're awake! Thank Mutios!)". When Baariette heard him, he sat up and said "Ba. Baari riet. (Thank you. Without you I would have died under that tree.)". "Fafu, rufa. Faf afur.. (No one deserves to die like that, especially after saving someone's life. I doubt Beliaddon would have saved you if I hadn't brought the rangers.)" Fafurr answered.
Baariette tremble before the memory.

Bari...bari, ba (That Beliadon, Beliel. He is really strong. He have a power almost equal to a Legendary. And for what i recall you with him). Baariette look to Fafurr.
Kogeki currently ability to active in battles: Anticipation.
Sorry, I don't understand "And for what i recall you with him". What do you mean by that?
Well, he telling when i meet you in the first time you were with Beliadon.
Kogeki currently ability to active in battles: Anticipation.
Faf, fur. Fafur faf, afur. Faf, furafur. (I didn't know that he had started the forest fire on purpose. The Baariette's I've met have been cruel and merciless, so I assumed you were the one on the bad side. But you seem different. You saved Chimical, even at risk to your own life. None of the Baariette I have met would have done that, most pokémon I've met wouldn't have."
(10-01-2016, 01:31 PM)Pokemonerd25 Wrote: Faf, fur. Fafur faf, afur. Faf, furafur. (I didn't know that he had started the forest fire on purpose. The Baariette's I've met have been cruel and merciless, so I assumed you were the one on the bad side. But you seem different. You saved Chimical, even at risk to your own life. None of the Baariette I have met would have done that, most pokémon I've met wouldn't have."

Baariette sees a little brushed.

Ba...bari. Bari, barai? (Well, i dont know what to say. That Chimical it was in danger. I wont allow that thing to happen to a inocent. And what you say about Baariettes being cruels and merciless? Not all my kind its that way. You have any negative experience?)
Kogeki currently ability to active in battles: Anticipation.
(10-01-2016, 01:52 PM)Spiritmon Wrote:
(10-01-2016, 01:31 PM)Pokemonerd25 Wrote: Faf, fur. Fafur faf, afur. Faf, furafur. (I didn't know that he had started the forest fire on purpose. The Baariette's I've met have been cruel and merciless, so I assumed you were the one on the bad side. But you seem different. You saved Chimical, even at risk to your own life. None of the Baariette I have met would have done that, most pokémon I've met wouldn't have."

Baariette sees a little brushed.

Ba...bari. Bari, barai? (Well, i dont know what to say. That Chimical it was in danger. I wont allow that thing to happen to a inocent. And what you say about Baariettes being cruels and merciless? Not all my kind its that way. You have any negative experience?)

Bari bari! (You don't have to tell me if don't want!)
Kogeki currently ability to active in battles: Anticipation.
"Faf. Fafu furaf. faf. Fafuraf, afur. (No, it's fine. Some years ago I met a tribe of Baariette near route 8. They ganged up on weaker prey and taunted it before they mercilessly killed and ate it. They killed even if they weren't hungry. Some of them were really fat. I only just made it away before they noticed me. I guess it coloured my first impression of you that day in the forest. But you're different from them. You're a Baariette who cares, who has a sense of justice.)"

(Sorry if that got a bit dark, but it's what I see wild Baariette doing.)

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