(10-01-2016, 05:23 PM)Pokemonerd25 Wrote: "Faf. Fafafur faf, faf urfaf. Ur. Faff. (Thank you. I understand that all pokémon are different, but I've found that a lot of species have traits that are common in their species, some more than others. I only ever met those Baariette though. Think what you want, but you're a good pokémon.)".
Fafurr made a happy smile.
"Faffur. (My name's Faflin.)"
I returned his smile and slowly moved my hand on her head and made a care.
Bari.Bari,ba. (Nice to meet you Faflin. Its a pleasure to meet you)
Then i returned my hand to neck and remember something. The stone in my necklace still missing.
Bari! Bari. (Dammit! My Mega Stone still missing. Must have lost in the woods. Must recover.)
He try to stand up, but receives a great mount of pain by force.
Bari! Bari! Bari! (Ouch! Ouch! Ouch!)
He not going anywere.
Kogeki currently ability to active in battles: Anticipation.