Pokemon Uranium
Check out all the hot new content for the fan game!
Forum Threads Posts Last Post
Rules and Official News
Forum rules and staff announcements regarding updates on the game.
82 686
Pokemon Uranium
Halloween 2024
10-31-2024, 02:46 PM
by Iron
General Chat
Chat about the game and the adventures you've had!
Moderated By: PhantomUnderYourDesk
Sub Forums:
259 934
Pokemon Uranium
What is the easiest way t...
10-23-2024, 11:35 PM
by marhawkman
Help Desk
Stuck? Encountered a bug? Have any questions about the game? Ask them here and a moderator will answer you. Check the FAQ & Known Bugs Topic before making a bug report
298 868
Pokemon Uranium
signup weirdness
11-02-2024, 05:04 PM
by CodySP
Battle and Trade
Find people to battle with in Virtual Trainer or trade with via the GTS! Or, brag about your latest finds on Wonder Trade.
Moderated By: PhantomUnderYourDesk
338 1,373
Pokemon Uranium
Trade Evos and Counterpar...
04-01-2024, 06:45 PM
by Pokekitty2
Have an idea that might make Uranium even more awesome? Share!
124 421
Pokemon Uranium
evo stones
10-24-2024, 11:58 AM
by marhawkman
Let's Plays & Nuzlockes
This forum is for documenting playthroughs of the game and its various challenge modes. If you are making a Let's Play, whether it be in video, screenshot, text, comic, or any other medium, you can share it here.
17 26
Pokemon Uranium
playthrough final members...
09-10-2020, 03:29 PM
by pinksylveon
Competitive Discussion
Just had a brilliant idea for a competitive set for one of Uranium pokémon? Then come share it with us before testing it in Fuji Labs Uranium Format on Pokémon Showdown! (Not released yet)
80 459
Pokemon Uranium
I made a hidden power typ...
09-16-2024, 01:07 AM
by OnDisplay

Misc and fun stuff
Area destined for topics unrelated to Pokemon Uranium itself
Forum Threads Posts Last Post
Everything goes
Anything not related to Uranium goes here!
Moderated By: Polaris
73 486
Pokemon Uranium
Nintendo continues its fi...
12-11-2024, 02:36 AM
by Dragonstrike
For discussion of all forms of media, be it video games, movies, TV, books, web series, or anything else!
24 108
Pokemon Uranium
Pokemon Joke Show
06-14-2024, 02:11 PM
by Pokekitty2
This is a place to share your creative endeavors, be they art, writing, music, or anything else.
Moderated By: Polaris
93 248
Pokemon Uranium
Marhawkman's silly fan id...
10-25-2024, 11:19 PM
by marhawkman
For textual and other kinds of roleplaying. Leave your boring life behind and become a Pokemon trainer, a mythical hero, or even a fire-breathing dragon. Your imagination is the only limit
27 60,844
Pokemon Uranium
[Meta Thread] Pokerole My...
Yesterday, 04:31 PM
by Dragonstrike
Other Fangames
Are you also making your own fangame? Let everybody know about it here!
23 119
Pokemon Uranium
Pokemon Rocket and an Unt...
11-01-2022, 10:41 AM
by PhantomUnderYourDesk

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81 users active in the past 15 minutes (1 member, 0 of whom are invisible, and 78 guests).
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Today's Birthdays
ByteSizedAJ (33), jam_kablam (29), Markus (28), Willy (30), Shihab (24), Sulfur'sRedem (25), wllad13 (29), Isolanium (29), jbirdjr (24), Skydair91 (25), SublinkInc (23), Ante Lasić (25), AnteLasic (25) - 1 Hidden
Board Statistics
Our members have made a total of 66,572 posts in 1,438 threads.
We currently have 7,889 members registered.
Please welcome our newest member, ThelmaTaito
The most users online at one time was 842 on 01-21-2020 at 02:45 PM
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