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General TTRPG-thread
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11-21-2024, 09:59 PM
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An Internet Mystery has b...
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11-08-2024, 01:56 PM
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signup weirdness
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11-02-2024, 05:04 PM
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Halloween 2024
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Last Post: Iron
10-31-2024, 02:46 PM
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Have a ho ho ho holly jolly Christmas! |
Posted by: Iron - 12-25-2024, 10:45 AM - Forum: Rules and Official News
- Replies (1)
Have a ho ho ho holly jolly Christmas!
Gather your garlands and wrangle your wreaths for a Christmas Mystery Gift and a small code update.
To collect it, first ❗ RUN YOUR PATCHER ❗ and then go to the Mystery Gift option in the main menu.
You can run the patcher via Check For Updates in the main menu.
Update 1.3.2c[/color][/b]
Code: * Improved nuclear horde behavior and bugfixes, including healthbar issues.
* Hordes are now affected by shiny charm.
* Dutch translation now live. Report errors at https://discord.gg/jdZCSJG5xJ
* Spanish translation now applies to the early 2024 postgame sidequest.
* Additional credits art
General TTRPG-thread |
Posted by: PhantomUnderYourDesk - 11-09-2024, 11:25 AM - Forum: Roleplaying
- Replies (2)
...Hey there, hope you're having a great day. *sips sweet & hot Sakura-Tea from a black mug* I'm Phantom or Phantom-san, they/she, hobby-artist and moderator + roleplayer of this semi-silent forum, mod of Uranium's Creator's Collective discord, blabla, you might know me.
I've developed the idea that since there is occassional talking about other campaigns in the Meta Threads of the two ongoing PokeRole-Campaigns (both are on hiatus currently however), a seperate thread would be neat so that these talkings don't get lost in between meta-talking and preserve these. And to share experiences and insights that technically don't belong in the Meta Threads; and to just talk about TTRPGing in general.
In these trying times with two wars going on in the world and no-doubt even more trying times ahead (looking at you, election in America), it's twice as nice to safely escape from dreadful reality for a bit, yes.
I'll start!~ So, ever since in summer I've discovered a hidden fantasy-store in the nearby big town I sometimes visit AND got to try out the system at an anime-and-manga-convention, I've gotten into one TTRPG that has has since developed into my favorite system I guess, I got hooked by it lol. That system is...
... 7e.
I like that edritch horror and mystery about it. I like that ordinary things and actions can take an unexpected creepy turn. I like the system of Mental Stability. I especially like that, contrary to for exmple DnD and Pathfinder, you are not meant to be a hero and save the world in a fantasy setting so to say (don't get me wrong though, I still enjoy that! Just not first and foremostly so), your goal is to survive and come out sane while still trying to win against the edritch gods and monsters (or at least ward them off)
So far I managed to survive the few oneshots I played at the fantasy-store (I'm always so nervous about playing irl, eek, but after thawing up it's sure fun!), lucky, only had one Investigator (an author) go insane and one flapper-girl develop a disorder of pathological kindness, lol. It's just or 'just' that my characters always lost a whooping amount of Stability, but that's to be expected.
Two favorite moment of mine were when, during a train ride, the snowflakes outside turned black and the train started to float in pitchblack and silent nothingness while a famous pianist played some notes in a delusional frenzy (that we discovered were cursed and part of a summoning ritual for huge bat-like monsters). The other was when a different player wanted to clean stuff at the kitchen sink, but at first there came nothing from the water faucet, then black goo, then fresh blood (cue for a Stability Check)
I haven't gotten to dabble into Magic and Spells that Cthulhu brings yet, so that's a goal of mine (even it causes my PC to go insane). My Cthulhu-Gamemaster also recommended me a somewhat legendary setting called 'Der Sänger von Dhol', I aim to look deeper into that too when I've got the time, energy and muse for it.
Unrelated, I also aim to treat myself with getting 'Baldur's Gate 3' on steam during the next sale or at Black Friday, I like what I've seen and heard about this game so far indeed.
Also unrelated, the various Pokerole-Campaigns played here on the forum still lowkey live rentfree in my brain, I think about these often and am looking forward very much to continue these when the time is right. Special thanks to Iron, Dragonstrike and Lord Windos for GMing these.
EDIT: Whoops, I forgor. At the convention early September I got to try out a system based on Avatar, called 'Avatar Legends - The TTRPG'. I was playing as a fire-bender, that was fun! So fun that I treated myself with buying the starter kit of it, hehe.
An Internet Mystery has been solved after 38 years |
Posted by: PhantomUnderYourDesk - 11-08-2024, 01:56 PM - Forum: Everything goes
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So. Naturally I cannot know whether and how many of this forum's people (on that note, hi there!) are into Internet Mysteries and Strange Real-Life Mysteries like I am, but...
...via Youtube I received word yesterday that a Mystery that remained a, well, Mystery for roughly fourty years has been solved, on the 4th of November the solution has been found by one person who remained on the case. It's the so-called 'Most Mysterious Song of the Internet', one that neither the artist nor the song's name were known at all ever since. That song is what I'm talking about:
This song was recorded from a German radio station called NDR between 1982 and 1984. Search (online) has been active since the early 2000s, when the song was made available online, and to this day no one has been able to give any accurate and correct information about the origin of the song. Facts like the band's nationality and exact year of recording are unknown, and to this day, we have not gotten any information about the whereabouts of the authors, or even the correct title of the song. Apparently there is no alternative online register/archive of this song, since the only source we have of this song is from the cassette tape that Darius recorded from the radio. Recently, a Reddit user found that in the chorus of this song, a synth called Yamaha DX7 was used, there's a preset called Syn-Lead 5, and it's exactly the same sound they used in the song, the Yamaha DX7 was released in 1983, so we may have a basis that the song was probably recorded in 1984, or late 1983.
(Source: The upper video's description)
Song's called 'Subways of your Mind' by FEX. It's currently looping in my brain since it's actually a nice song.
On a different note, please stay safe in these throubled and likely even more troubled times ahead.
Halloween 2024 |
Posted by: Iron - 10-31-2024, 02:46 PM - Forum: Rules and Official News
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Happy Halloween! Hey, be careful out there tonight! Something stalks through the dark... And it's mega scary! You MUST update your game to receive this Mystery Gift. (Use Check For Updates in the main menu.) This patch also comes with a small code update.
Nuclear Hordes can now be shiny.
The first time you visit the Dream world, wild mons cannot be shiny. Once you beat it and can bring your Bag, they can be shiny again.
Marhawkman's silly fan ideas |
Posted by: marhawkman - 10-24-2024, 01:33 PM - Forum: Creativity
- Replies (2)
1: years ago... nearly 25 now... when I first looked at Pokémon Red/Blue.... As a fan of Godzilla movies... I... made a type chart similar to the Pokemon one.. but for monster types in Godzilla. One of which was Nuclear. 'cause... Godzilla. I don't actually remember the entire list. I might have it on an old notebook somewhere... maybe.
2: As someone who's played a variety of monster collecting games.... making one that uses ideas from other games appeals to me a lot. So what ideas would those be?
Monster Rancher: play mini-games as training. MR has a tiredness meter as a limiter, but that's tied into the time system it uses. for Pokemon I'd balance just by making it take longer than fights. Also, a lot of Digimon game lean on "finding" new monsters and not catching them. But... Pokemon already has that for special monsters. eggs as loot in certain special encounters would be neat though.
Dragon Quest Monsters: this is weird in that it has a very different idea of what equipment items should DO. DQM is an offshoot of a JRPG series with a very... traditional JRPG sense of what gear does. So DQM follows that. It has stuff like +5 defense on held items, and -20% water damage. It runs hardcore on the idea of recruiting, but recruiting isn't always story events or catching monsters, you can on rare occasions find monster eggs as loot. That tied in with randomized terrain generation, which is something some pokemon games have the idea of, but don't actually run with. The things you might get eggs from weren't actually repeatable. in DQM2 at least they had a randomized system that basically generated random dungeons to loot, each only can be looted once. But you can just get another magic key and loot that too. These had randomized monster tables and often had monsters you can't find in story mode worlds. Sometimes even villages with useful items to buy.
Digimon - famous for long evolution chains, and also branching. One Digimon game I played basically only had 6 base forms of Digimon in it. all the over 100 Digimon in the game were evolutions of those 6 base forms. I wouldn't go over 3 stages in evo lines, but yeah, branched evos in Pokemon are pretty cool. 
Robopon - has a vERY different idea of what 'mons even ARE. Since it leans on the robot angle, and... has you actually modify the Robopon. One such modification.. can actually change the element of a Robopon. perhaps changing fire to water, or whatever. This is in some ways reminiscent of how nuclear types work, but.. isn't a separate unique type, just.. a random mutation. Randomly changing Pikachu to a bug type would probably kinda suck actually. BUT also... Robopon in the original didn't have Robopon LEARN moves at all. combat abilities are 100% equipped gear. the chassis has the base stats, and little else. Also each Robopon has a weapon. Most you can customize by changing the weapon, but while weapons have a very small variety of effects.. they can give BIG stat changes and weapon choice drastically effects combat strategy. But in terms of type usage, you can give any Robopon any type of software you want. So changing types at random isn't as big a deal as you can just.. give it appropriate software.
evo stones |
Posted by: marhawkman - 10-24-2024, 11:58 AM - Forum: Suggestions
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why no Stone uses?
Leaf stone... in some fan games can make Leafeon
Maybe dawn stone for the ice one?
I suppose could also make it so Lombre can evo with either Leaf OR Water?
signup weirdness |
Posted by: marhawkman - 10-23-2024, 10:52 PM - Forum: Help Desk
- Replies (1)
it apparently is coded to force you to manually type in most of the stuff... really weird.... It doesn't TELL you what it's doing at all. It just flashes that it's an invalid entry.... with no explanation.
Whether it's meant as an anti-bot feature... it doesn't work very well since it makes the page look glitchy when used normally.
Close source code |
Posted by: OnDisplay - 10-19-2024, 10:45 PM - Forum: Suggestions
- Replies (1)
This isn't really a suggestion but rather a question, was wondering why uranium is close source since it's a fan game, it'll be cool if someone could alter their gameplay for what it's for, though I do understand why that may cause a problem on the battle community. But that's more voluntary since you're actively responding to or doing a request, doing whatever you like on a game would be great and I do understand why people who are working on this game as non profit doesn't want that. Though this question is an appeal to have closure on it being close source. Thanks!
New Mystery Gift is live! |
Posted by: PhantomUnderYourDesk - 08-06-2024, 02:39 PM - Forum: Rules and Official News
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Kudos from the PU discord server:
Happy Bronze Anniversary to Pokémon Uranium!
The traditional 8th anniversary gift is bronze or pottery, but how about instead spending some time together in the kitchen whipping up a romantic meal? (@Lord Windos, this made me fondly think of you~) And maybe some crafting, with cutting edge technology! You'll have a lot of flexibility with the moves on these gifts, and they've got perfect IVs as well.
!!! Remember to check For Updates in the main menu before claiming your gift! !!!