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[Game Thread] Pokerole: Mount Coronet Mystery
Music: Snowpoint City Arrangement by insaneintherainmusic

It's a bright, sunny day in Sinnoh's frigid north.  A day seemingly like any other for its inhabitants.

[Image: 250px-Snowpoint_City_anime.png]

The snow is lightly falling, the temperature is low, but not TOO low for anyone who lives in the northern locale of Snowpoint City.  The pure white snow on the ground is breathtakingly beautiful in the morning sunlight.

Trainers bundled up in warm clothing wander around the city, looking for battles and trades, doing some shopping at the local pokemart, preparing for a well earned trip to the beautiful Lake Acuity, where it was recently rediscovered the Legendary Pokemon of Knowledge, Uxie, once resided before Team Galactic stirred up trouble about 8 years ago.  

The Being of Knowledge has long since departed from their former dwelling, so tourists come and go as they please, though the location is monitored by the Sinnoh League for good measure.  Some aspiring trainers pay the lake a visit in the hopes that they too can one day meet the Being of Knowledge, much like the current Champion did.  Some pray for the Legendary's blessings before they set out to do an important task, be it related to challenging the Snowpoint Gym or seeking Knowledge in places such as the Snowpoint Temple.

The Gym is a busy building, filled with trainers that specialize in training the Sinnoh Region's Ice types, ever seeking to find new ways to mitigate or circumvent the fragile type's massive weaknesses while emphasizing its strengths.  

The Snowpoint Temple, by contrast, is quiet.  A League official stands at the entrance, turning away those without the proper permits to enter.  Only the Champion may enter the Snowpoint Temple freely without the League's permission.

The city's ports are bustling as ships come and go.  Many powerful trainers seek to travel to the Battle Zone, where the most powerful pokemon and trainers in the entire Sinnoh Region gather, including the Champion and their pokemon themselves on rare occasions.  Other ships bring goods and travelers to the snow clad city from other port cities, including the odd one or two from regions other than Sinnoh.

The city is full of life, even amidst the sometimes unbearable cold.

And all in all, it seems like nothing is wrong.

However, a few select pokemon trainers are here because something might indeed be amiss after all.  Not in the city itself, but rather in Mt. Coronet, the central location that is said to be the origin of the entire region.

Professor Rowan has hired them to look into the strange happenings rumored to be occurring at the mountain.  Travelers reporting rare and powerful pokemon not native to the mountain appearing, or maybe they found out they spent all day in the mountain's interior when they thought they were only in there for a few hours at worst...

We join the three trainers that the good Professor Rowan has hired to look into these strange occurrences as they gather in the Pokemon Center's Lobby this morning, and properly meet each other in person for the first time...

The lobby itself is busy, hosting people and pokemon of all kinds.  Ace Trainers who have bundled up in preparation for heading out to Routes 217 and 216 to train, Snowboarders and Skiers who are double checking their equipment before hitting the slopes on those very same Routes, the rare Bug Catcher complaining about the cold and general lack of Bug types in such frigid areas, Youngsters and Lasses who are still only just starting their journeys, the city's residents coming and going as they retrieve their pokemon from the Nurse Joy who is on duty...Fire, Ice, Fighting, Rock, and Steel type pokemon of all kinds are a common sight among trainers' rosters in this frigid locale (though species that are native to the Sinnoh region are the most common examples).

@Spiritmon, @Mikaruge108, and @Lord Windos, your characters all know that Professor Rowan set aside a table in the corner of the lobby for them to meet him at this morning.  The table in question is currently unoccupied with a sign that says 'RESERVED FOR ROWAN'S PARTY' sitting on it.

So, what do you all do when you enter the lobby?  Do you have any pokemon out with you at this time?  Describe to everyone what they see, if you'd please.
(06-06-2019, 09:27 PM)Dragonstrike Wrote:

"Endlich Wärme durch den Zunder und seine Flammen! Es ist kalt wie ein frostiges Mädel da draußen, und ich hasse es."

Such was boldly proclaimed as Randolph Schimdt entered into Snowpoint's Pokemon Center alone right and early in the morning, throwing open its doors and brazenly marching right into the lobby with a look of severe consternation, his face reddened from both his irritation at the cool climate and from the very same.

Compared to the local stock of the natives and the trainers that pervaded this sanctuary, this man stood out in stark contrast. Where the Snowpoint people were smooth and pale like fresh cream, had either silky black or blond hair and dark black or bright blue eyes(depends on whether you're going for a Inuit or Scandinavian style with the natives here, or possibly both), his skin was white but ruddy, and not a little leathery, his hair a short wiry, coppery, and almost fiery red that was partly covered by a grey knitted wool cap , and his eyes where a brown so rich and dark you'd swear his iris where clear and filled with mud. He was stout too, but that was perhaps the one quality he actually did share with the locals, so it bears no further mention.

Another notable difference that set him apart from most here was the impressive Garibaldi beard - same color as his hair - covering his entire face, checks and all, that looked shaggy yet somehow carefully maintained and finely groomed. This, along with his creased, worn, and seasoned (and, not to reiterate, irritated) visage marked him as an a older man, looking to be somewhere in his early forties or so, where as most of his 'contemporaries' where only in their early twenties at best and just wee little kiddies at worst. His attire was also markedly different from everyone else, wearing what looked to be a red and black flannel shirt with some sort of thick, black leather apron underneath an almost completely zipped up dull brown and fluffy winter coat (with a ring of fur lining the head opening), denim overall jeans and black steel toe boots with small spikes lining the sole underneath, and some rough but tough looking black leather gloves on.

In sum, Randolph Schimdt looked all the part of a hard bitten, no-nonsense, and easily irritable individual that just did not have time or tolerance to deal with any foolishness, so if you don't have anything useful to say shut up, step off, and get the hell out of his way so he can get on with his business.

'Course, that image was somewhat marred by the fact that Ran was 5 foot and 1, maybe 2 and a half inches tall. In other words, very short.

Oh yeah, did we forget to mention he's a midget? Well, he's a midget, and a mean looking one at that! Guess the saying 'big things come in small packages' was true, for this little man was loaded with a lot of attitude and character by the looks of it!

Cutting back to the present, no doubt everyone's attention was on the brisly wee man after his entrance, at first because of the commotion he caused, and perhaps latter because of the downright oddity that was himself. Ran, sharp of eye and seemingly short on temper (whether that be from the cold or something else was impossible to determine), caught onto this fact real quickly, and panned his gaze at everyone staring, giving them a nice glare for their trouble.

"What are you all looking at? Didn't ya parent tell you that staring is impolite, or were all of you dropped on the head or daft as a Farfetch'd?! Mind your own business, brats!"

Then he promptly ignored the whole lot of people, paying no more head to his audience unless some decide to do something in response to his less than charitable comments (the poor bastards) . He eventually spots the table Professor Rowan reserved for him and the other people he hired for this top secret job of their's - 'Bah, couldn't Old Fashion have arranged this damn meet, greet, and brief somewhere private, instead of the bloody local Pokemon Center? Has he gone daft from all that research of his, or something? *Grumble Grumble.....* - and wastes zero time resuming his march, going right over to it, shrugging off his big hiker-like backpack beside the first chair he reached and hopped right up into it. It took a few seconds to get himself comfortably, but when he did he let out a long *Sigh....* of relief, then reached into his coat, taking out what looked to be a cup thermos and a fairly thick book without its cover jacket. He poured what looked and smell like hot chocolate, kicked back, opened his book, and began reading, taking occasional sips of his beverage as he passed the time waiting for Old Fashion and everyone else to arrive.

With all this secrecy and intrigue surrounding this job of his, he was curious to finally learn what the hell he was supposed to be doing, but damn it if the weather and all these youngsters weren't doing a fine job of sapping his spirits, and waiting around was doing no favors for him. Reading and a nice hot drink was just the thing then to pass the time and take a breather then - so long as no idiot or cocky young trainer with too much aggression and not enough sense in their skull decided to come bug him. If they did.....we'll, they'll soon regret that decisions of their's right quick, once he was through with THEM!

Such were the thoughts of Randolph Schimdt, as he awaited for things to well and truly begin.
Like the wind, I come and go as I please... but I am always there to provide a comforting breeze.

Member of Team PUNishment. Pun-pare for Struggle, make it Double Team!

Heart Phantom is my OTP~ Heart

Online ID: 000650
[Image: Spr_DP_Ace_Trainer_F_2.png][Image: Spr_DP_Ace_Trainer_M_2.png][Image: Spr_DP_Skier_F.png][Image: Spr_DP_Skier_M.png]

Well, that's how the Ace Trainers and Skiers are dressed.  Or at least a few of them, anyways.  I'll let you be the judge of what style that's supposed to be.  I'm just kinda using stuff from the source material for now.



Randolph certainly does get more than a few 'What the heck?!' type of glances from most of the people in the lobby.

For one, most Sinnoh natives don't speak the pokemon world's equivalent of German, so almost nobody in the room understands what the heck Randolph just said.  At all.  Nurse Joy is probably about the only person in the room who understands it.

For two, Randolph's entrance was certainly less than subtle...though everyone goes back to minding their own business after Randolph's second (and much more easily understandable) declaration.  Nobody wants to attempt messing with Randolph.

Nurse Joy glances up from some paperwork at Randolph, then glances back down once it's clear there's no trouble being caused by anyone at this immediate moment.
A rather unassuming-looking redhead, her hair braided, is already in the Pokemon Center, she's already, at least in her definition, in winter clothing, sporting a hot pink muffler (scarf), a rather cute, blue hoodie with white pockets that kind of resembles a Marill, full-length tights under rather short shorts, and Victini brand (the Pokemon world equivalent of Nike) high-top sneakers. She's cuddling up to a Rapidash, but not just any old Rapidash. No, this one has grey flames. When she hears the ruckus, she turns to get a better look, revealing soft, very lightly tanned skin, and bottle-blonde bangs, (try saying that three times fast.) but that's not all, on a closer look, her eyes are two different colors. The just shy of five-foot teen recalls the Rapidash, and after fiddling with the PC for a bit, walks not away from the older gent, but toward him! She also doesn't understand the first thing he said. She greets the man, in a rather peppy manner; "Hiya, nice to meetcha! Name's Karen." She gives the man a *big* smile and holds out her hand. His rather prickly attitude doesn't seem to phase her at all!
[Image: 7V2sBYC.png]
(I'll presume this happened shortly after Ran has taken a seat at the table, if that is acceptable?)

Just as he was about to really get into his novel and finally get a chance to unwind after sodding days being trapped on a boat on the high sea (the cruel bastard!), the unmistakable voice of a youngster girl interrupted his revere, causing a vein in forehead to throb and him to nash his teeth a bit. 

'Didn't I tell these runny nose whelps here to kept their heads out of my business, or are they actually concussed?! Grrr.......well, I show her the consequences of not listening to your elders![/i]'

With those incensed thoughts bubbling away through his hot head, Ran placed his cup of cocoa and book on the table with deliberate calmness, before spinning around in a flash to face the girl that was disturbing him, his face already tighten by a smoldering glare as he got ready to lite right into her sorry hide....!

It was then that he got a look at her and general demeanor (particularly her eyes), which caused his expression to collapse first to slight surprise, then neutral observation as he continued to gaze at the misses, frowning as he scrutinized every single inch of her.

After a minute or two of doing this (and Karen not leaving in the interim), the stout shorty finally decided to give a response, keeping his hands to himself by crossing them to his chest.

"Randolph. What business do you have with me? If it's a battle you want, you can buzz of like a Mothem, 'cause I am not in the mood for one right now."

His tone was curt, but not overly unkind. Considering his apparent demeanor, that's rather remarkably restrained of him! Perhaps Karen's manners and her own uniqueness pacified him somewhat?
Like the wind, I come and go as I please... but I am always there to provide a comforting breeze.

Member of Team PUNishment. Pun-pare for Struggle, make it Double Team!

Heart Phantom is my OTP~ Heart

Online ID: 000650
At first, if someone could see the outside of the Pokemon Center, they could see odd and strange sparks appear in the air. Almost like the air itself charge with eletricity. Then, a burst of purple light comes, and outside of it, it have comes strange people....

The first one was a Gallade. He has a determined look in his eyes, and perhaps a little tired, after Teleport from one region to another his passenger.

Who was at the minimum, was a look to see.

Its a tall man, black clothes covered all around his body, with sandals in his foot. He has all his face covered with clothes wrap around his face(with the exception of course his nose, since he need to breath). His right arm has a bigger matching of clothes, to make impossible anyone to see what is hiding. He also carry a big white scarf wrap around his neck and mouth, making a strange combination between a big black figure and a piece of white. The scarf make waves with the Teleport and the cold wind.

His skin was a little more dark than most people around him, but not to much dark either. You could say he is between the edge of a dark skin and white skin. Pard I guess?

"Well, we finally come. You help me a lot Gallade. Thank you." Kogeki Kurayami bow in respect to his friend. "Thank you for everything. If you wish you could join in this meeting. We can enter in contact with Lucian soon. Unless I supose you gonna return to him now. But a hot chocolate could be good for both of us."

In case Gallade accept, Kogeki finally enter the Pokemon Center, making some heads turn in the direction of the stranger in the room. He go to the table where there is people around yet.

He looks to short and with grumpy looking guy and the girl for a few seconds, maybe impress with see such strange company professor Rowan have bring...or perhaps he just impress in see such short man with angry looking.

" are the people who the old man hired? Well...thats something I guess." He bow in respect to these people. "Nice to meet ya. My name is Kogeki. Kogeki Kurayami. Bodyguard and henchman of professor Rowan. And you two are...?"
Kogeki currently ability to active in battles: Anticipation.
(yup fine by me)
She calmly points at the reserved sign, and says "I take it you are part of the prof's team as well?" She *plops* down in one of the other chairs at the table, "So... ehm... Rand was it? I heard there were at least two other people in the party, wonder where the other one is." In response to him staring at her eyes, she says, "No, they are not contacts." as if expecting him to ask her a question she gets quite a bit. Her almost metallic eyes glint in the fluorescent light of the Center.
[Image: 7V2sBYC.png]
Quote:" are the people who the old man hired? Well...that's something I guess." He bow in respect to these people. "Nice to meet ya. My name is Kogeki. Kogeki Kurayami. Bodyguard and henchman of professor Rowan. And you two are...?" 
Karen is a little startled by the strangely clad man and blinks. "A ninja? Huh, don't see that everyday." She then introduces herself, "Karen." she looks at the bulging clothing on his right arm, tilts her head inquisitively, but doesn't say anything, after all she's not exactly normal herself.
[Image: 7V2sBYC.png]
(06-07-2019, 04:08 PM)Mikaruge108 Wrote: (yup fine by me)
She calmly points at the reserved sign, and says "I take it you are part of the prof's team as well?" She *plops* down in one of the other chairs at the table, "So... ehm... Rand was it? I heard there were at least two other people in the party, wonder where the other one is." In response to him staring at her eyes, she says, "No, they are not contacts." as if expecting him to ask her a question she gets quite a bit. Her almost metallic eyes glint in the fluorescent light of the Center.

Ran's/Rand's quickly appeared taken aback as the little lass revealed she was one of his fellow co-workers that Old Fashion hired along with him, gawking at her and saying "What in all manner -" , before he cut himself off with a sharp *Clink!* as he snapped his mouth shut and recomposed himself, looking more irritable than ever!

".....Yes, I am, and yes. Don't know where the other member of our group is, but they'll be heading here soon enough. *Snorts* Unless they're a lazy good for nothing git, that is. .....Welcome to party, 'partner'."

He said that 'word' with a bit of disdain, still frowning to himself as his mind turned briefly inwards at the revelation Karen present him.

'By hellfire and brimstone, what manner of smithing is Old Fashion trying to cobble together here?! Why on this flash frozen tundra did he think it was a GOOD IDEA to hire a wee little girl to investigate the mysterious malarkey going on in Mt. Coronet?! I know the man puts a lot of faith in youth these day - don't know why, since most of the lot are ill mannered and arrogant fools - but honestly! Old Fashion will be getting an earful from ME later about this, grrraaaaah.....'

Eventually, he decided to reply back to the heterochromatic trainer after mulling things over, giving her a raised eyebrow at her presumptuousness.

".....I didn't take your eye colour to be unnatural, lass. Just caught me off guard, is all. Heterochromia isn't a common place characteristic, particularly your own brand of it."

After saying that, if Karen has nothing else to say to him, he'll go back to reading and sipping his cocoa and mostly not bother with her for now. He was not in the mood for socializing, least of all with a youngster that was going to be one of his partners, for some sparking reason known only to the professor. Bah, what a job this was already shaping up to be.....
Like the wind, I come and go as I please... but I am always there to provide a comforting breeze.

Member of Team PUNishment. Pun-pare for Struggle, make it Double Team!

Heart Phantom is my OTP~ Heart

Online ID: 000650
(06-07-2019, 04:07 PM)Spiritmon Wrote: "Well, we finally come. You help me a lot Gallade. Thank you." Kogeki Kurayami bow in respect to his friend. "Thank you for everything. If you wish you could join in this meeting. We can enter in contact with Lucian soon. Unless I supose you gonna return to him now. But a hot chocolate could be good for both of us."

Gallade gives Kogeki a bow to convey 'you're welcome'.

However, he waves a hand and politely declines joining in on the meeting.  He needs to get back to his trainer now.  No need to worry about contacting them, either.  He knows where they are.

And thus, Gallade Teleports away, his business with Kogeki now concluded.

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