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My forum died
Yo! I’m a new user, old player, and I want to talk about a stupid thing, so I’m talking about it. There is a whole world of completeness and contentment for me in Pokémon, removing the pain and sadness of life. That is why I come here. Pokémon Uranium is all very new to me, in an exciting wayThere is no introduction thread, so I am greeting you with my thoughts instead, and shall then look around for a thread. My old forum was a writing forum, I was in a spot of bother. After that I got sick and had to go to hospital. Then my parents broke up, then I felt like a bit of a Pokémon. So there is the truth that I am dying, but there is the truth Pokémon Uranium is something special, therefore appealing to me and my health, which I love, and my old forum became my second life, so I hope to greet you all too, with the bounty that it is. I am not a proud person, but my forum felt like school, or sleep overs, and I was happy there. For unknown reasons, people are sometimes assholes. For some, it is goodfor some, it is better moving on, but I like to think that my hardship taught me to be compassionate and honest, in most modern ways. Pokémon is a nuance, like writing, and forums die, and people become cageyI don’t know why I am reaching out again, but in life, there are obstacles and boundaries, and family life, is much like friends moving on, or the community bailing on you. So, you can talk to me about any of that, and we can have a good time. Have you seen a forum or community die, for some unknown reason? And are you positive or negative about it? Do you see it for the future of Pokémon Uranium? This is a newer forum, so it became my choice, because of the thriving demographic.
And they all danced for Sun Tzu..
Nice to see a new face, these forums aren't quite what they were, but regardless, welcome.

I've been mulling around forums for years now, the first one was called l factor forums (been dead for probably a decade now, I was somewhat ambivalent about that one ceasing to be). In 2019 I modded a bit on MyAnimeList, but due to personal reasons when Covid hit, I stepped down, and haven't really decided yet whether or not to go back to that forum. This is actually the second domain for this forum (archive of the original domain, circa 2016).
[Image: 7V2sBYC.png]
I checked out the archive. It goes back about a decade, I do believe. My forum was last century. When I hit the last forum, it was undergoing a mod, so that previous set up was archived, and it was interesting to see how members grew and changed. Funny story, I have Covid now! It was sad to see big players fall over the years, and there were a few narcissistic new identities, and someone died of diabetes, but the biggest thing I noticed was how the moderators were there to serve, up until the last moments. I was in and out without a break lasting longer than a month, but it was a very sad day to see it finally pass. I have thought about the job of a moderator, but I am too used to the immaturity of myself.

Feeling ambivalent about it is natural I guess, I was nonchalant, but felt like this scene in My Girl. Here:

Just for interests sake, what was I factor about? The context or the situation, I don’t mind. You can ask for my opinion in my situation, if you want.
And they all danced for Sun Tzu..
(10-06-2022, 08:48 AM)Rexenm Wrote: Just for interests sake, what was I factor about? The context or the situation, I don’t mind. You can ask for my opinion in my situation, if you want.
It was a forum associated with a now defunct anime site (reality lapse iirc)
I used to have a screenshot from the web archive, but I guess imgur nuked it some time ago.
Overlooked the image
[Image: 7V2sBYC.png]
I don’t mind using meme generator. It is a case of worrying about the algorithm in the end, because mostly data doesn’t get lost. I have a few anime hobbies and interests. AMVs, GITS, NPCs, AOCs. I miss the familiarity I had with the forum, but it is a highly stressful environment when you are a complete NEET like I am. I am reminded of Tom’s Midnight Garden.
And they all danced for Sun Tzu..
These are old, there are many. More than I thought. I knew there were some, so I looked about in my photos. Legit. Tell me if you think they are funny, in any way.

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)
And they all danced for Sun Tzu..
Welcome to this smol forum!~ Have a virtual cookie and a glass of almond milk with it: 
( • - •)
It's nice to see someone new stopping by here and saying hello. Actually there is an introduction section here, but nevermind. Besides that, I can really understand how Pokemon holds a world of completeness and contentment, and how that removes pain and sadness of life. Very good wording there! Fictional worlds do have that vibe sometimes, kind of being made to find joy and happiness in them + get lost in them in a positive way, especially when the real world isn't all that nice or easy towards one.

Hmm, about having seen forum and communities dying... This uranium forum comes to my mind first; not too long ago it was buzzing with activity. I remember being excited af to get up in the morning, log in here and check out all the new posts and threads being made! I'm not really sure what happened, but the fond memories surrounding that and the connections made can't be denied.

Secondly, deviantART. Oh boy, dA... Well, it hasn't really 'died', but deviantART is not like it used to be when I was active there around 2012 to 2015 posting drawings, commenting on other people's drawings and roleplaying own characters. It kinda has lost its own charm and vibe compared to what deviantART is today. I still have my old account there and even a new one, but am actually not using that site anymore nor am I part of the community. Anxious about becoming active there as well, bad memories about art theft and unnecessary hate.

One forum I have fond recollections of (and of which I unfortunately can't remember the name (>.<; ) ) was one I was active in during my early days on the internet when I was around 13 or 14, it was intended for thoughtful discussions, introverted people, outcasts of society to find like-minded people and had a pretty gothic design with lots of black. I vividly remember having opened a thread when 9/11 happened, speaking about having lighted a candle and praying for the unnecessary. I really don't know what happened to that forum and community though, whether it's still up at all or not.

Either way, online forums are something I always enjoyed and always will enjoy, even if they're slowly starting to die out when we have faster-paced online communities like Reddit, Discord etc. Nothing against these, the latter especially is nice, but barely anything - nothing even! - can beat a good online forum.
"Anything can be art. Anything can be self-expression. Now take your weapon and run with it" [Gerard Way]

--Windos is my OTP ❤---

`❤★`°・:*:・。[Image: qt5IPWF.png]。・:*:・゚’★❤`
911.. Was before I used the internet in my youth, but it wasn’t featured much on the site, there were condolences and memorials. Deviant art I haven’t heard of, but I was not much of an artist. I was interested in role play on the forum, and it was centred around writing, and black culture. It was sad to see it go, because I spent much of my time on the internet, using and researching for my book. It was funny, because I have a lot of forums fall that I cannot remember, but I was active on them. There is a lot of culture surrounding each different community, but sometimes trolling gets out of hand, and flaming. The reason I checked this out, was because I am interested in Pokémon, I am interested in writing, I am sick and dying. It is also interesting from a gamer perspective, because I can find something to talk about, with my animal loving family. My friends are all in the city, studying, but I have plenty of shows to watch. The funny thing is, the spot of bother I got into, was to do with 911, and writing. I felt like a Pokémon at the time, and I am afraid I didn’t need to enjoy anything else. It is a case of loving the mystery of Pokémon, and their valour. It is like professor Layton, or Trolls. If I can understand Pokémon, then maybe I can understand the future.
And they all danced for Sun Tzu..
Let's put it this way: we have one moderator for every two active posters. xD
Current project:
Tabletop RPG PokeRole:
"I encourage Sceptile to branch out."
Forum is practically dead, with only the very old guard keeping it alive through sheer stubbornness on our part of wanting to use it to host our online TTRPG sessions and directing the occasional new person to the much more active Discord. I'm still rather bitter about that, truth be told - forums are perfectly great for all sorts of community activity, but apparently it was too slow and not centralized enough for the vast majority of people...
Like the wind, I come and go as I please... but I am always there to provide a comforting breeze.

Member of Team PUNishment. Pun-pare for Struggle, make it Double Team!

Heart Phantom is my OTP~ Heart

Online ID: 000650

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