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There's no thread about this on this semi-dead forum, so I thought I'll just make one now. Share thoughts, fears, opinions, viewpoints if desired, I'm curious to listen and wanted to give them a platform here.

I'll start: Things are serious, yes, but things still feel so...surreal for me. Maybe because not much's really different; I tend to wash my hands relatively often anyway and rarely ever leave the house unless I must, so if the curfew comes, I wouldn't mind too much.

Either way, stay safe and healthy~☆
"Anything can be art. Anything can be self-expression. Now take your weapon and run with it" [Gerard Way]

--Windos is my OTP ❤---

`❤★`°・:*:・。[Image: qt5IPWF.png]。・:*:・゚’★❤`
Well...things are been intense in my country. In the beginning it was quiet, but then the first person with the positive confirmation of Coronavirus died, you can imagine the panic. Everyone (at least the ones with brain and good) get literally locked in their houses and avoid social events.

Even some places is literally stop: Work, College, Cinema and everything else. Me and my family are okay since we have food and of course Netflix, Internet and TV so we are safe.

Although I a person who likes more be in home, I don't like be forced like that because of risk in get Coronavirus myself and spread to my family.

And of course, there is the people here who I like to call: Human with no good sense. Since there is no job or college working, a person with sanity would be in home resting, and be in quarantine. And waiting this crisis end.

A person with no good sense: "Coronavirus? Pfft. What a dumbass thing. Let's all go to the beach, with lots and lots of people around and get drunk and probably spread the Coronavirus I pretty sure I get to all my family, friends, and everyone I know and probably let them have a slower death! What could possibly go wrong am I right?"


In the name of the Creator of the universe, no wonder Brazilian people is a mockery to many places in the world. There is a virus who is serious contagious and can kill you and everyone you know...and instead of stay home to avoid such virus to affect us, we go to the beach and party and do the thing we supposed to NOT do.


Honestly. Sometimes I wish I was not born Brazilian, because such choices make me feel shame in born in the country as they.

And it seems the president of Brazil is also diagnostic with Coronavirus. And what he did? He. Fuc***. Shake. Hands. With. Everyone.

His name is Bolsonaro by the way. Or I love to call him: Bolshi***. Because many things behind him is polemic after polemic.

There is a old say in my country: "A good corrupt president is a dead one."

Although he get stabbed in the elections and survive. The guy had devil luck in his side.

So yeah: Brazilian people need to be studied. And Brazil sucks.
Kogeki currently ability to active in battles: Anticipation.
Ah, I'm sorry to hear that the situation's so bad at your place, Spirit... ( ._.) Though if you hate living in Brazil so much, is migrating to live in a different country someday no option?

I don't mind being forced to stay at home very little to not at all due to introverted life, but yes I've heard from some people I know that they struggle with that. Ah, and there are people with no good sense that give a damn about things and run around with others anyway here as well, and those are the people that I am doublefacepalming over and am wishing to hit with a chair.
"Anything can be art. Anything can be self-expression. Now take your weapon and run with it" [Gerard Way]

--Windos is my OTP ❤---

`❤★`°・:*:・。[Image: qt5IPWF.png]。・:*:・゚’★❤`
(03-22-2020, 09:15 AM)PhantomUnderYourDesk Wrote: Ah, I'm sorry to hear that the situation's so bad at your place, Spirit... ( ._.) Though if you hate living in Brazil so much, is migrating to live in a different country someday no option?

I don't mind being forced to stay at home very little to not at all due to introverted life, but yes I've heard from some people I know that they struggle with that. Ah, and there are people with no good sense that give a damn about things and run around with others anyway here as well, and those are the people that I am doublefacepalming over and am wishing to hit with a chair.

Well...I thought in live outside. Problem is the money. I don't a job yet to get enough funds to buy a way to go outside of my country. Besides, I don't know anyone in person outside of my country to live and all that. Yeah, I know you, Dragonstrike and Windos via internet interaction, but we never meet each other in person and we don't even know each other faces.

And everyone already have problems enough to deal them. I don't desire to be a burden to anyone. And with the Coronavirus creating a pandemonium around the globe, change country is not a option.

Yeah, I know that feeling. It's like you are okay with your friends in a moment, and them you heard a exchange of bullets happening close to where you are. What you would normally do? Find the house of a person you friend, or another safe place and wait the ruckus end.

And what your dumbass do? They run towards where the bullet exchange is happening and leave you behind like a idiot. Like...WHAT THE HECK?!

And yes. This was a real event.
Kogeki currently ability to active in battles: Anticipation.
Today I discovered an advantage of the social distancing we're asked to practice here in my country: People are respecting one's personal space. That, and I don't get any weird looks due to prefering to have my lunch break at work outside and by myself. (◕‿◕)
"Anything can be art. Anything can be self-expression. Now take your weapon and run with it" [Gerard Way]

--Windos is my OTP ❤---

`❤★`°・:*:・。[Image: qt5IPWF.png]。・:*:・゚’★❤`
The world is different now. It's very interesting. A mini apocalypse.
Current project:
Tabletop RPG PokeRole:
"I encourage Sceptile to branch out."
On one hand, I hate how this panedemic has essentially ruined countless of lives and businesses just by the sheer fiat of its existence alone, and is bound to continue doing so for another 3-6 months until a cure is developed or the virus burns itself out like what happened with the Spanish Flu. On the other hand, it's given me plenty of free time to think about what I actually what I want to do as a career and how to work towards it in a relatively low pressure environment (because after all, its not like you're going job hunting / practicing driving in public when the Sunny Death is possibly among us, right?) .

Its....certainly a mixed bag, I say. Hopefully the docs and egg heads around the world can tame this virulent beast sooner rather than later, before any more lives are destroyed by it....
Like the wind, I come and go as I please... but I am always there to provide a comforting breeze.

Member of Team PUNishment. Pun-pare for Struggle, make it Double Team!

Heart Phantom is my OTP~ Heart

Online ID: 000650
(03-25-2020, 07:13 PM)Iron Wrote: The world is different now. It's very interesting. A mini apocalypse.

That's nicely put, 'mini apocalypse' actually describes the situation quite well.
"Anything can be art. Anything can be self-expression. Now take your weapon and run with it" [Gerard Way]

--Windos is my OTP ❤---

`❤★`°・:*:・。[Image: qt5IPWF.png]。・:*:・゚’★❤`
I'd actually be in much the same boat as you, Phantom, were it not for the fact I work at an essential retailer.  I've been pretty busy with trying to keep my part of the store clean and running normally.  Thankfully haven't had to deal with very many of the customers who are (in my opinion) overreacting and overpreparing (as of right now, given the current situation in the US).

Honestly, the best I can hope for is for people to act sensibly.  They do that, and this whole thing won't be nearly as bad as if they didn't.  Like Windos said, hopefully this is all resolved before it becomes even more of a problem than it already is.
(03-21-2020, 08:12 PM)Spiritmon Wrote: In the name of the Creator of the universe, no wonder Brazilian people is a mockery to many places in the world. There is a virus who is serious contagious and can kill you and everyone you know...and instead of stay home to avoid such virus to affect us, we go to the beach and party and do the thing we supposed to NOT do.

And it seems the president of Brazil is also diagnostic with Coronavirus. And what he did? He. Fuc***. Shake. Hands. With. Everyone.
Could be worse, Captain Cavernous Cranium over here (Trump) wants the quarantine to end in time for Easter and says things like "wouldn't it be great to have the churches full?" and "so I think Easter Sunday and you'll have packed churches all over our country... I think it will be a beautiful time" while also having shaken the hands of several strangers and press conference speakers.

As for my take on things, I'm about as outgoing as a piece of bacteria living in a rock in the lower mantle of the Earth, so I'm completely unphased by social distancing and quarantine, though I can foresee more than a few potential problems cropping up in the future:

White supremacists have expressed a desire to use it as a bioweapon and intentionally infect largely black communities and politicians by contaminating surfaces like doorknobs and the like with infected saliva. And many anti-vaxers are paranoid about any form of modern medicine, so unless a full-on vaccine is developed this disease can probably easily reappear to threaten us even if a treatment to mitigate the symptoms is discovered.

Li Wenliang's death and the Chinese government's handling of the outbreak in general likely won't sit well with the citizens, and if enough deaths occur there could be some serious pushback from citizens either during, or after this fiasco.

There's the capacity for geo-political instability depending on how badly leaders botch a cooperative cure effort. (I would not be surprised in the slightest if a vaccine or treatment/cure were developed in America and he would not let other countries or China specifically have access to the information unless they paid for it).

And of course, with many politicians being older, just a few infections could radically change the way the government is run, not to mention the potential implications for the 2020 election, given that going to the polls means running the risk of spreading disease. I mean granted, Trump vs Biden has been pretty much guaranteed for quite a while now, and it's not going to matter much which of them gets elected, but this virus could still drastically shake things up if even just a few notable politicians get infected/die.

However, all of that is based on the assumption that this thing doesn't pull an H1N1 Spanish Flu and mutate into a more dangerous strain. As long as that doesn't happen, the quarantining works, and scientists are able to develop a vaccine things will drastically improve. If scientists only get as far as treatment, and the virus mutates/scientists develop a vaccine but the virus mutates in a manner where it becomes more dangerous AND develops into a strain that can't be consistently halted by the vaccine things will have the capacity to get much worse.
▓ I'm not a pessimist, I'm a realist in a world of misery.  ▓

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