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Roleplaying as Pokemon
They have to admit, this is one of the most challenging opponents they have faced EVER. Most would just have died after a first go around with the demonic terror itself, or wisely find better things to pick on if they were so fortunate to survive. Apparently this Baariette was born without trivial survival mechanisms, as it was STILL attempting to not only halt its efforts, but to converse with it as well. The fact that it carried berries and other stuff around clearly showed that it was somewhat intelligent, but it had all the common sense of a half eaten Magickarp.

Picking itself off the ground, it spat out all the blood and rock that was still in its mouth. Quite a nasty combo they pulled of on it, but then again it was a Baariette, a breed of Pokémon notorious for their dirty fighting. Fighting one was always a drawn out, painful affair, but this particular one is a stand out among its species in fighting capacity. Perhaps it was raised by a trainer first, or received some formal experience in brawling? These thoughts were meandering through its head, while it assessed itself and the battle.

While the Drain Punches fully restored it health, the assault it has been through has been thoroughly wearing it out, since its Drain Punches restored its Health, not its stamina. The terrain, as a result of its Earthquakes and Rock Slide, was quite unstable, so further fighting would result in the whole area collapsing beneath their feet. In addition, it was still raining, weakening its firepower and making a mess of the field, making it into a muddy sink hole that was limiting its own mobility around the area. That, and, if this Baariette is still alive and well after its attempted murder efforts, the rest were probably still alive. DAMN. IT. ALL.

Tired, hurt, depressed, and thoroughly pissed off with the behavior of the Baariettte, it has had ENOUGH of its presence for one lifetime. Quicker than anyone thought was possible of a Beliaddon, it rush forward and grapple the back of Baariette's throat, sqeezing it like a vice. Raising it up directly to its face, it roared straight into its face. *ROOOOOAAAAAAAR*

Beliaddon then lunged forward, and ripped the Baariette's throat to shreads. Using Crunch, it messily rip it apart, spraying blood a visera everywhere on it. Then, it put its other claw on its head, gripped, and rip it clean off. Blood gushed from the opening like a macrabe fountain, dousing Beliel with even more bodily liquid. Literally blood red now, it tossed Baariette's head far, far away into the distance, as it dropped what was left of its bleeding corpse to the ground. It then proceed to leaped down the mountain, gaining distance on where the Rangers ended up. In a short amount of time, it was at the bottom of Mt. Actan, and was looking around, trying to spot any signs of that Ranger. Search around the rumble, its keen eyes finally spoted the man, half buried to his waist in the debree. Right on top of him, defending him from harm, was their former friend Chimical.

It approached the two, and quietly stared at them, still blood soaked dispite the ongoing rain. Now that it has come to this, what will it do now?

(Spirt, their is only so much talking can do. Beliaddon was fighting to kill that time (And last time, but it was so mad it did not care about confirming its kills), so giving it ANY opportunity to finish the fight was not very good... for Baariette. They are not called a demon for nothing, after all)
Like the wind, I come and go as I please... but I am always there to provide a comforting breeze.

Member of Team PUNishment. Pun-pare for Struggle, make it Double Team!

Heart Phantom is my OTP~ Heart

Online ID: 000650
(Holy God. That. THAT. That was indeed an awesome reply. Bloody, deadly, emotional... and comprehensable, given all the rage/betrayal and what else Beliaddon felt.)
"Anything can be art. Anything can be self-expression. Now take your weapon and run with it" [Gerard Way]

--Windos is my OTP ❤---

`❤★`°・:*:・。[Image: qt5IPWF.png]。・:*:・゚’★❤`
(10-21-2016, 11:16 AM)Lord Windos Wrote: They have to admit, this is one of the most challenging opponents they have faced EVER. Most would just have died after a first go around with the demonic terror itself, or wisely find better things to pick on if they were so fortunate to survive. Apparently this Baariette was born without trivial survival mechanisms, as it was STILL attempting to not only halt its efforts, but to converse with it as well. The fact that it carried berries and other stuff around clearly showed that it was somewhat intelligent, but it had all the common sense of a half eaten Magickarp.

Picking itself off the ground, it spat out all the blood and rock that was still in its mouth. Quite a nasty combo they pulled of on it, but then again it was a Baariette, a breed of Pokémon notorious for their dirty fighting. Fighting one was always a drawn out, painful affair, but this particular one is a stand out among its species in fighting capacity. Perhaps it was raised by a trainer first, or received some formal experience in brawling? These thoughts were meandering through its head, while it assessed itself and the battle.

While the Drain Punches fully restored it health, the assault it has been through has been thoroughly wearing it out, since its Drain Punches restored its Health, not its stamina. The terrain, as a result of its Earthquakes and Rock Slide, was quite unstable, so further fighting would result in the whole area collapsing beneath their feet. In addition, it was still raining, weakening its firepower and making a mess of the field, making it into a muddy sink hole that was limiting its own mobility around the area. That, and, if this Baariette is still alive and well after its attempted murder efforts, the rest were probably still alive. DAMN. IT. ALL.

Tired, hurt, depressed, and thoroughly pissed off with the behavior of the Baariettte, it has had ENOUGH of its presence for one lifetime. Quicker than anyone thought was possible of a Beliaddon, it rush forward and grapple the back of Baariette's throat, sqeezing  it like a vice. Raising it up directly to its face, it roared straight into its face. *ROOOOOAAAAAAAR*

Beliaddon then lunged forward, and ripped the Baariette's throat to shreads. Using Crunch, it messily rip it apart, spraying blood a visera everywhere on it. Then, it put its other claw on its head, gripped, and rip it clean off. Blood gushed from the opening like a macrabe fountain, dousing Beliel with even more bodily liquid. Literally blood red now, it tossed Baariette's head far, far away into the distance, as it dropped what was left of its bleeding corpse to the ground. It then proceed to leaped down the mountain, gaining distance on where the Rangers ended up. In a short amount of time, it was at the bottom of Mt. Actan, and was looking around, trying to spot any signs of that Ranger. Search around the rumble, its keen eyes finally spoted the man, half buried to his waist in the debree. Right on top of him, defending him from harm, was their former friend Chimical.

It approached the two, and quietly stared at them, still blood soaked dispite the ongoing rain. Now that it has come to this, what will it do now?

(Spirt, their is only so much talking can do. Beliaddon was fighting to kill that time (And last time, but it was so mad it did not care about confirming its kills), so giving it ANY opportunity to finish the fight was not very good... for Baariette. They are not called a demon for nothing, after all)

(Prepare yourself for a turning of eventos).

Coming from behind Baariette summons a double ice punch and take Beliel from behind taking the thoath and make him and Beliel falling in a lake creat by the rain. Using thunders he hit both him and Beliel. He then behind to use the last remanes of hes powers begin to freaze the lake.

Flashback on:

When Baariette make Beliel confused after the kick, he creat a clone using substitute and hide behind a rock, and wait Beliel to be distract. To take a oportunity to defeat him. The reason of the rain its was not just weak the fire powers, but to make a deep lake with the rain and then use thunder to paralyze Beliel, and Ice punch to freaze the entire lake.
Kogeki currently ability to active in battles: Anticipation.
(Ah, damn. I actually liked how the Barriette was killed off for better sake. Sorry, but that's the thruth.)
"Anything can be art. Anything can be self-expression. Now take your weapon and run with it" [Gerard Way]

--Windos is my OTP ❤---

`❤★`°・:*:・。[Image: qt5IPWF.png]。・:*:・゚’★❤`
(10-21-2016, 11:37 AM)PhantomUnderYourDesk Wrote: (Ah, damn. I actually liked how the Barriette was killed off for better sake. Sorry, but that's the thruth.)

(Ouch. That was cruel man)
Kogeki currently ability to active in battles: Anticipation.
Fafurr looked behind him to see that Both Beliaddon and Baariette were now at the bottom of the mountain again. He sighed and turned around again.

Something I made before Spirit did the thing:

Fafurr was rushing up the mountain when something suddenly fell from the sky. He had to slow down to avoid it, but was horrified at what he saw. It was Baariette's head, ripped clean off. "FAF! (BAARIETTE!)" He looked around and saw, down the mountainside, Beliaddon standing over Kellyn and Chimical, rage on it's face. "FAF! (YOU!)" Fafurr roared with a voice full of grief. He started rushing down the mountainside again, but as he rushed, he started glowing. Legs extended, fur grew, antlers doubling in height. By the time he stopped glowing his head was over three times as far above the ground as before. "FAFNINTER!" he roared as he smashed into Beliaddon with all the force of an Outrage.
... (Have... to keep going...But...)

....... (Is Fafurr really going to be ok? Argh! Who cares! He's an IDIOT for running off like that!)

*A deafaning roar echos through the mountainside*


...(Was that... that demon? If Fafurr interrupts, he'll be dead in a second! But what can I do...?)

........(There was that one thing... But i don't even know how to use it right! It was the whole reason i was abandoned! )

! (But maybe if...)
Can't breath.

Feeling cold.

Vision growing dark.

Can't breath.

Feeling faint.

Dying. I'm dying.


'Master...I'm sorry....'

As Beliaddon was slowly drifting down to the bottom of the frozen lake, something from the sky dropped down. It was a Pajay, and it unleased a massive Fire Blast, and in complete spite of the rain, unthawed the body of water. Then, something- no, some one leaped off the bird, and dived into the water. It swan down, deep down, until it spotted Beliaddon. It then, grabbing a Pokeball from its belt, it release a Killovoter, and together grabbed Beliaddon's arms and carried it to the surface of the lake. Once there, they swan to shore, with the Pajay in the sky carefully watching the Baariette for any sudden moves.

The trio quickly made it to the shoreline, with the Beliaddon unresponsive. The person then crouched down and preformed CPR on it, quietly trying to save its life. Despite the person small size and Beliaddon massive girth, they were successful in resuscitating the now soggy demon. A croak came from Beliel's, as it weakly coughed out the last of the water from its lungs, and its eyes fluttered open to gaze at its saviors's face. *Skee.eeeee....eeee*
(Translation: Ma...........ster, you s....a.....v......e....d me....)

"Rest, little one. You are safe again. I will deal with the one who threatened your life," said Prye Bug, in a soft feminine voice. It pulled out a Dusk Ball, and recalled Beliaddon for a long rest. She would make sure they would get all better, but first it had to deal with the one who thought they could kill their precious little one. She stood up from her prone position, and turned to face the aggressor. From the looks of things, it looks like it was trying to kill everyone here for some reason. While they do not like the thought of it taking someone's life, given the state they were in, they are willing to make an exception in the Baariette's case. With a wave of its hand, Krillovolter came to her right side, and their Pajay swooped down to their left.

They then start to slowly approach the group, with a pace and posturing that suggested that, no, they were not here to help them.

(Well now you done did it. Pyre Bug has made their grand appearance. Beliaddon ripping out Baariette throat is a mercy killing, compared to what she'll do when she get her mitts on it. If their is a time for running, this is the time for it!)
Like the wind, I come and go as I please... but I am always there to provide a comforting breeze.

Member of Team PUNishment. Pun-pare for Struggle, make it Double Team!

Heart Phantom is my OTP~ Heart

Online ID: 000650
(10-21-2016, 12:07 PM)Lord Windos Wrote: Can't breath.

Feeling cold.

Vision growing dark.

Can't breath.

Feeling faint.

Dying. I'm dying.


'Master...I'm sorry....'

As Beliaddon was slowly drifting down to the bottom of the frozen lake, something from the sky dropped down. It was a Pajay, and it unleased a massive Fire Blast, and in complete spite of the rain, unthawed the body of water. Then, something- no, some one leaped off the bird, and dived into the water. It swan down, deep down, until it spotted Beliaddon. It then, grabbing a Pokeball from its belt, it release a Killovoter, and together grabbed Beliaddon's arms and carried it to the surface of the lake. Once there, they swan to shore, with the Pajay in the sky carefully watching the Baariette for any sudden moves.

The trio quickly made it to the shoreline, with the Beliaddon unresponsive. The person then crouched down and preformed CPR on it, quietly trying to save its life. Despite the person small size and Beliaddon massive girth, they were successful in resuscitating the now soggy demon. A croak came from Beliel's, as it weakly coughed out the last of the water from its lungs, and its eyes fluttered open to gaze at its saviors's face. *Skee.eeeee....eeee*
(Translation: Ma...........ster, you s....a.....v......e....d me....)

"Rest, little one. You are safe again. I will deal with the one who threatened your life," said Prye Bug, in a soft feminine voice. It pulled out a Dusk Ball, and recalled Beliaddon for a long rest. She would make sure they would get all better, but first it had to deal with the one who thought they could kill their precious little one. She stood up from her prone position, and turned to face the aggressor. From the looks of things, it looks like it was trying to kill everyone here for some reason. While they do not like the thought of it taking someone's life, given the state they were in, they are willing to make an exception in the Baariette's case. With a wave of its hand, Krillovolter came to her right side, and their Pajay swooped down to their left.

They then start to slowly approach the group, with a pace and posturing that suggested that, no, they were not here to help them.

(Well now you done did it. Pyre Bug has made their grand appearance. Beliaddon ripping out Baariette throat is a mercy killing, compared to what she'll do when she get her mitts on it. If their is a time for running, this is the time for it!)

Now its time to go. There no way he cloud fight agains two Pokemons. Baariette use Dark Pulse to make them stay away and use Double Team and Giga Impact, to increase the speed. With the increase of speed he take Fafurr, Chimical and the remained Rangers (Around of four) and run to the Forest using Giga Impact.
Kogeki currently ability to active in battles: Anticipation.
(..... how nice. Chimi's reply will come up soon. Uh... just curious again, what/who is Krillovolter?)

(Nah, Spirit. Fine, take the Rangers and who else with you, but please leave at least Chimi and Kellyn here for me. Don't assume too fast that they're in danger.)
"Anything can be art. Anything can be self-expression. Now take your weapon and run with it" [Gerard Way]

--Windos is my OTP ❤---

`❤★`°・:*:・。[Image: qt5IPWF.png]。・:*:・゚’★❤`

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