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Roleplaying as Pokemon
(10-01-2016, 04:16 PM)Pokemonerd25 Wrote: "Faf. Fafu furaf. faf. Fafuraf, afur. (No, it's fine. Some years ago I met a tribe of Baariette near route 8. They ganged up on weaker prey and taunted it before they mercilessly killed and ate it. They killed even if they weren't hungry. Some of them were really fat. I only just made it away before they noticed me. I guess it coloured my first impression of you that day in the forest. But you're different from them. You're a Baariette who cares, who has a sense of justice.)"

(Sorry if that got a bit dark, but it's what I see wild Baariette doing.)

Baariette have no words. He know about a groups of Baariettes who is actualy really savages. They know as Blood Horns. They a tribe of barbarian Baariettes, they even do canibalism, eating from hes babys when really hungry. No doubt why this Fafurr whas trying to protect Chimical. Baariette look to Fafurr and tell with sincerity words.

Bari, bara bari. Bari bari, ba. (No doubt why you so nervous about me in first place. Forgive me for jugment you so wrong. And about to be i have a sense of justice...well i not kinda of person. I am not a hero or something like. Its not like i care, its because i do what i think its right, not because i have some "sense of justice"). 

Bari bari bari? (My names its Afro, by the way. Do you have a name Fafurr?)
Kogeki currently ability to active in battles: Anticipation.
"Faf. Fafafur faf, faf urfaf. Ur. Faff. (Thank you. I understand that all pokémon are different, but I've found that a lot of species have traits that are common in their species, some more than others. I only ever met those Baariette though. Think what you want, but you're a good pokémon.)".
Fafurr made a happy smile.
"Faffur. (My name's Faflin.)"
(10-01-2016, 05:23 PM)Pokemonerd25 Wrote: "Faf. Fafafur faf, faf urfaf. Ur. Faff. (Thank you. I understand that all pokémon are different, but I've found that a lot of species have traits that are common in their species, some more than others. I only ever met those Baariette though. Think what you want, but you're a good pokémon.)".
Fafurr made a happy smile.
"Faffur. (My name's Faflin.)"

I returned his smile and slowly moved my hand on her head and made a care.

Bari.Bari,ba. (Nice to meet you Faflin. Its a pleasure to meet you)

Then i returned my hand to neck and remember something. The stone in my necklace still missing.

Bari! Bari. (Dammit! My Mega Stone still missing. Must have lost in the woods. Must recover.)

He try to stand up, but receives a great mount of pain by force.

Bari! Bari! Bari! (Ouch! Ouch! Ouch!)

He not going anywere.
Kogeki currently ability to active in battles: Anticipation.
"Faf afur. (You're not going anywhere for some time.)" Faflin said as Afro struggled to get back into the bed. "Faf fafu? Faf. (Where did you get that mega stone from? They're really rare.)"
Faflin looked thoughtful for a moment.
"Faf fafur. Afur af. (You can't go back there yet anyway. The area got burnt down completely and it would be very hard to find anything.)"

(I'm becoming an expert at writing in Fafurr)
(10-01-2016, 05:48 PM)Pokemonerd25 Wrote: "Faf afur. (You're not going anywhere for some time.)" Faflin said as Afro struggled to get back into the bed. "Faf fafu? Faf. (Where did you get that mega stone from? They're really rare.)"
Faflin looked thoughtful for a moment.
"Faf fafur. Afur af. (You can't go back there yet anyway. The area got burnt down completely and it would be very hard to find anything.)"

(I'm becoming an expert at writing in Fafurr)

He know what he say, but still hurt you to even think the stone its lost.

Bari...bari bari. Bari bari. (My old trainer give to me. My trainer find in a cavern, after we find Pandora the Masking in the Labyrinth. He gave this to me after the that battle. Its like a treasure to me. Make me remember my old friends: The Electruxo Netune, Medusa the Arbok, Seraphina the Dunseraph, Ay'la'lau the Fritiki, and Pandora the Dramsama. They like family to me until....)

He stop for a moment. The memory was still fresh in his mind. The day when he lost they family.
Kogeki currently ability to active in battles: Anticipation.
"Fafaf... (Oh Mutios, sorry for bringing it up...).
Faflin looked down sadly.
(10-01-2016, 06:20 PM)Pokemonerd25 Wrote: "Fafaf... (Oh Mutios, sorry for bringing it up...).
Faflin looked down sadly.

He feel guilty for making that little Fafurr sad. He tried to make a little smiled.

Bara. Bari, bari,bari. (Hey, its not your fault. Its something i wont forget. If you wanted i could tell what happen. I cant go to any place anyway, and i kinda bored for can do nothing)


I think I'm improving on my English. Just a little.
Kogeki currently ability to active in battles: Anticipation.
"Faf, furfur. (You don't have to, at least not now.)" Said Faflin as he lay himself down on the floor.
"Afur. Faf, Afur. (I'm tired. Goodnight, friend Afro.)" He said sleepily before shutting his eyes and falling to sleep.)"

(I need sleep, good bye for now.)
(10-01-2016, 06:36 PM)Pokemonerd25 Wrote: "Faf, furfur. (You don't have to, at least not now.)" Said Faflin as he lay himself down on the floor.
"Afur. Faf, Afur. (I'm tired. Goodnight, friend Afro.)" He said sleepily before shutting his eyes and falling to sleep.)"

(I need sleep, good bye for now.)

Bari bari. (Ok then. I will try to sleep to. Goodnight to you too friend Fafirr.) 

He close he eyes too and sleep. 

(Good night. Sleep well)
Kogeki currently ability to active in battles: Anticipation.
Hmmm... After some reflexion, this rp is staying after the story of PUranium, so i suppose the scientists have improved the PST technology. So, is it pertinent to create a character who've a new prototype of the PST, probably using it in aim to find Beliel hide place (so he would be with the rangers) ?

G'dnight, sleep well !

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